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component pricing and vat

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    component pricing and vat

    Got some components with different price choices
    Have used overide price and set product price to 0 so that original product doesn't have a price.
    However overide products don't seem to register any vat when checking out.
    Is there any way round this.
    Hope this makes sense.


    Have you setup associated products for these choices?

    By defualt actinic displays the permuation prices 'excluding' VAT. Using the advanced user guide, you can change this to display them inclusive:

    *Please make sure you take a snapshot of your site before you begin*

    Showing Permutation Prices Including Tax

    By default, prices within a drop-down list (or a grid) are always shown excluding tax. These prices will ignore whatever you have set for 'Price Layout' within Site Options (or the section/product) and so can look inconsistent with your product prices.
    There is a simple workaround for this, however, which will show the prices including tax. This example is based around a VAT rate of 17.5%.
    1. In the 'Design' tab, click in a drop down list that has a price in. Look at the layout code at the bottom of the tab. You should be looking at a layout called 'Drop Down Permutation List'.
    2. Double-click on the pink 'Drop Down Permutation Entry' layout selector. This should navigate to this layout.
    3. In the new layout, double-click on the pink 'PermutationPrice' layout selector.
    4. Replace the entire contents of that layout with the following:
    <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22PermutationAssociatedPricesAreUsed%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%20FALSE" >
       (+<actinic:block PHP='true' SELECTABLE='false'>formattedcurrency(round(<actinic:variable name="PermutationPriceRaw" /> * 1.175, <actinic:variable name="CurrencyDigits" />), <actinic:variable name="CurrencyDigits" />, '<actinic:variable name="MoneyDecimalSeparator" />', '<actinic:variable name="MoneyThousandSeparator" />', '<actinic:variable name="DefaultCurrency" />');</actinic:block>)
    <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22PermutationAssociatedPricesAreUsed%22%20%2f%3e" />
       (+<actinic:block PHP='true' SELECTABLE='false'>formattedcurrency(round(<actinic:variable name="AssociatedProduct::ProductPriceRaw" /> * 1.175, <actinic:variable name="CurrencyDigits" />), <actinic:variable name="CurrencyDigits" />, '<actinic:variable name="MoneyDecimalSeparator" />', '<actinic:variable name="MoneyThousandSeparator" />', '<actinic:variable name="DefaultCurrency" />');</actinic:block>)
    5. Click 'Apply' to save your changes.
    This will include the VAT-inclusive prices in the drop-down list.
    You can replace '1.175' with a different multiplication factor if you want.
    If you cannot find the layout via the 'Design' tab, you can always go to 'Design | Library | Layouts' and then edit the layouts within the 'Permutation Prices' group.

    Hope this helps.
    Natalie Omany
    Actinic Online Technical Support


