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Internal Server Error when going to Checkout

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    OK, so putting an index.html in each of the subdirs make sense to protect the actinic catalogue, but surely that would not cause an error at the checkout??

    If I wanted to scrap it all, and start again, how is the best way to do it?, is there a way to start with a blank sheet rather than all the rubbish they put in at the start, which seems to have caused several issues on the way through anyway

    I think I will give it one more go, and then know when I am beaten.


    Suz and Clive Slade


      I think there's a way of telling actinic to use the page in your acatalog directory as the home page (for the actinic bit of your site).

      I believe this is how to do it:

      Blimey that one passed me by....


        Originally posted by pinbrook
        Blimey that one passed me by....
        I read it, but really did not understand what it was trying to say.

        I have re-done the pages, calling the first page index.html. Used my FTP file manager to completely wipe the site, then re-uploaded everything. Same problems.

        Before I really give up all hope, has anyone any last ideas?


        Suz and Clive Slade


          you haven't told us who your host is, it may be they can't host actinic.


            ohhh. Sorry

            It's a host called 1st Choice. Been with them for a couple of years on our home site, and not had a lot of issues, so stuck with them.

            What would stop them from being able to host it? I thought as long as they could run Perl script, they should be OK. I know they can run Zen Cart OK as they provide that free. I would rather not use Zen Cart though, for several reasons I read.

            I have just up-graded to the latest version of actinic, and re-uploaded, but still no joy.


            Suz and Clive Slade


              What is the remaining problem? Only your site seems to be working fine now.


              First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                Originally posted by olderscot
                What is the remaining problem? Only your site seems to be working fine now.

                Still the same as I started with, you select a product, then proceed to the checkout, but instead of being asked how you want to pay, you get an Internal Server Error.

                Ignore the odd style of the buttons, I was in the process of changing the GIF's, when I did the up-grade, and it has changed some back, but not others.
                Suz and Clive Slade


                  Ok. I just placed a test order.

                  Strangely there was a problem getting to the checkout page (it worked first but then didn't). To make it get there in the end I had to strip the checkout link from this:


                  to this:


                  and it then work OK.

                  for some reason your version of the checkout link has two bits of &refpage.... and they both need to be removed before the checkout works for me.

                  I seem to remember that the &refpage bits are no longer needed by actinic but I'm not sure. I'll check a few threads to see, but someone else may know the answer anyway.


                  First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                    OK, I have got to say, that is not something I would have even thought of doing...

                    I tried it, and as you say, it works. Just need to find a way of changing the "500 Internal Server Error" page, now, so I can pass it on to my customers.

                    So now the obvious question, why is it putting all that other junk up there? and more importantly, how can I stop it.

                    Thank you so much for working this out, as I really thought I was going to have to find a way to clear everything and start from scratch again.


                    Suz and Clive Slade


                      I've had a look around and couldn't find anything on this. Unless anyone else knows then perhaps actinic support could explain what is happening here and whether the &refpage bits in the checkout url are needed.


                      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                        Originally posted by olderscot
                        I've had a look around and couldn't find anything on this. Unless anyone else knows then perhaps actinic support could explain what is happening here and whether the &refpage bits in the checkout url are needed.

                        Thanks for your help on this Mike, I have sent a request into Actinic, via their site, but I am not sure if they will help, as we are only on the trial version.

                        I spent the weekend, wading through various posts on here, and re-installing windows, and downloading every service pack/update just to make sure it was not something on that PC (It is normally only used to test stuff on). It has made no difference.

                        I will let you know if I do get a reply.

                        Once again, thanks for the time you guys have taken trying to fix this.


                        Suz and Clive Slade


                          Unless Chris or Bruce are being active on the forum then it could take a day or two before we see a reply. They will pick up on this thread eventually though.


                          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                            Hi again, just got a response from the Actinic helpdesk, which is pretty good really, considering it is a Monday, and probably the worst day for them.

                            Unfortunately, this was their response,

                            > we get a page that says Internal Server Error
                            Can you confirm with your hosting company whether you have 20mb of script processing memory available for operation of your scripts.
                            If you have less than this, the software scripts will not be able to complete the checkout procedure.

                            > Why is Actinic adding all the extra to the Line
                            It is the referencing page and is required by the software.

                            This does not explain why, when you remove all the "Junk" from the end of the URL line, it works, and allows the order to be placed.

                            As my Host, has still not got back to me, with the SMTP questions, I do not hold out much hope of getting an answer to this, before the trial runs out.

                            I think it would be useful for there to be a Minimum Host spec somewhere, that we could post to any prospective Host companies to answer, before we have made a commitment. I must admit, I assumed that as my current host can run Shopping Carts like OS Comm, Agora Shopping Cart, Zen and their "Unique Anti Fraud PayPal Shopping Cart", Actinic would be no problem.

                            I will keep you posted if I get any more responces.


                            Suz and Clive Slade


                              I think it would be useful for there to be a Minimum Host spec somewhere
                              there is.... in the form of the Q/A to send to a host to check the spec of the server. Possibly in site1 somewhere


                                Actinic has free trial hosting that you could sign up for and see if your website works there.

                                If it does > Then it's a problem with your host.

                                If it doesn't > Then there's a problem with your setup and you could spend some time on it or start again.


                                First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


