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Going Live with Protx

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    Going Live with Protx

    We've just completed test transactions with Protx and the account has now gone live. However, when I set Actinic to run in production mode we lose the 'next' button needed to jump to the Protx server. Do we need to edit the ACC Protx template before going live?

    Their is a javascript you need to include in the <head> of your outerlayout which is required for the protx page to load correctly.

    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function onLoad()
    // -->

    Above you will see the script. Switch to the design tab and click the parent button until you can see the outerlayout (eg you'll see the meta tags etc) and paste it just before the </head> tag.

    You may want to also check

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      Thanks for the info Bruce. I added the Javascript to checkout page 3 and for a moment the page was visible before automatically loading the Protx secure server page. Is this the way it is meant to work?


        Originally posted by cyberstudios
        Thanks for the info Bruce. I added the Javascript to checkout page 3 and for a moment the page was visible before automatically loading the Protx secure server page. Is this the way it is meant to work?
        you can also delay the bounce if you wish by editting the bounce setting within actinic.


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        Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


          I edited the bounce page to "0" and my site simply auto jumps to Protx, there is no need to press any "Next" button

          In-fact I don't even think I have one to press...


            Yes and the other problem with this method is that we have bounce set to 0 so that the shopping cart page doesn't redirect after adding items (which our clients tell us is highly annoying). What we need to be able to do is simply have a 'next' button in live mode, just the same as in test mode - surely this can be done??


              possibly a daft answer but I'm wondering if increasing the bounce page would assist here


                Right, we've figured this out. Just remove each instance of NETQUOTEDEL:TESTMODE - also you can take out <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="NETQUOTEVAR:OCC_URL"> right at the bottom as this appears to be a duplicate. This method produces a static page with a 'next' button.

                We've added the Protx logo and changed the message to read: "Please click 'next' to be transferred to the Protx secure server and complete your transaction". You can obviously put whater you wish here, but I think it's important to give the customer control over the redirect and also re-assure that the whole process is completely normal. Hope this helps


                  Nice one Paul and thanks for letting others know


                    Originally posted by cyberstudios
                    Right, we've figured this out. Just remove each instance of NETQUOTEDEL:TESTMODE - also you can take out <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="NETQUOTEVAR:OCC_URL"> right at the bottom as this appears to be a duplicate. This method produces a static page with a 'next' button.

                    We've added the Protx logo and changed the message to read: "Please click 'next' to be transferred to the Protx secure server and complete your transaction". You can obviously put whater you wish here, but I think it's important to give the customer control over the redirect and also re-assure that the whole process is completely normal. Hope this helps
                    Also note this if you do not wish to auto forward, REMOVE the js shown by BRUCE.

                    But do so under your own steam as we would not recommend this.

                    (feels strange telling peeps how to stop it working when we have spent months telling clients how to get it working )
                    Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
                    Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting

