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Inconsistent treatment of cancelled orderlines

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    Inconsistent treatment of cancelled orderlines

    OK, this one has been around since V7 but it's still here so I'm gonna dig it up (sorry!)

    When cancelling orderlines, the payment status obviously changes to "excessive payment received"

    However, Actinic's treatment of the order at this point seems to be inconsistent.
    If I've cancelled ONE of several orderlines, it moves the order to the "pending" tab which serves as a reminder to refund it (which I don't necessarily do immediately if I'm cancelling orders in batch)

    Anyway this, to me, seems to be the correct course of action by Actinic.

    However, if I cancel ALL of the orderlines in an order (however many that may be), even though it displays the same status of "excessive payment received" it does NOT move to the "pending" tab. It sits there in the completed tab still.

    The only way I can get it to move over is to add a (temporary) manual adjustment to it (which I then have to delete in order to complete the transaction by refunding)

    Surely ALL of these "excessive payment received" transactions should move to the "pending" tab to be dealt with?

    I actually thought this had been dealt with in the past but it seems not.

    Tracy i'm going to tag on to this,

    Why do you have to mess around with the shipping when you cancel all the lines, surely the shipping should default to ZERO because if you forget then enter the refund, you end up with under payment



      yeh..I mentioned that in another thread recently actually (another one I was moaning about, no doubt LOL)

      I think it was the longish thread about the stock treatment of psp pending orders. Bruce did ask me to clarify that the above (the shipping thing) was still an issue and I did confirm it was.

      But yeh, it's another thing kinda related


        Have you tried cancelling all the items and then closing and opening the order again.

        I think that it might need to be opened again before the shipping bit does it's stuff and zeroes out the P+P.


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          it doesn't make any difference, Mike.
          It just sits in the pending (or completed or whereever) tab with the shipping amount remaining showing the balance.
          Opening it up doesn't change it.


            The alternative then is to go to the 'shipping and handling' tab and click on the 'update order shipping' button. This should zero out the shipping charge but but might sometimes need the calculated bit to be set to zero first.


            And I agree, this has been nuisance for some time now.

            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



              yeh..that's what I'm doing.
              Manually changing the calculated to zero and updating.



                I have not been able to replicate that happening on my v8 HFUA. If I cancell all lines in an order it does move it to the pending tab.


                Does this happen for you too?

                If it is then sorry to have to say this but, you will have to take it up with support, raise a ticket and mention the thread link. Will need a snapshot to check etc.. Post back here once you have and I will chase it for you.

                Kind regards,
                Bruce King


                  Originally posted by Bruce

                  I have not been able to replicate that happening on my v8 HFUA. If I cancell all lines in an order it does move it to the pending tab.
                  damn, really? Mine certainly doesn't (and never did in V7 either)
                  It happily sits there in the "completed" tab with "excessive payment received" status.

                  Are you also cancelling the shipping by zero-ing it and updating? Out of interest?

                  Righto...on the to-do list for tomorrow to register a(nother!) support ticket

                  Cheers, Bruce


                    No cancelling or zeroing shipping, when last did you compact your shipping DB?

                    Bruce King


                      Anytime I compact databases (which is at least once a week) I do both shipping and catalog...I've always figured it can't hurt to do both while I'm doing one.

                      Must just be me then. I'll register a support ticket tomorrow
                      Thanks again

