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Just cant do it

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    Just cant do it

    Trying to set up Protx and Able2buy as payment providers and they just wont work right.

    I have managed to get them into the payment options page but neither of the links work right.

    The Protx just says: Incomplete information submitted. The VendorTxCode field may be missing or you may have used an incorrect encryption password.

    The Able2buy says: sorry, we are unable to process this application due to an unexpected error

    code/field message
    error retailer account does not exist

    I have contacted All companies involved and nobody seems to be able to help me, Actinic said that i have not put the encryption password in but i can only find one place to put it and it is there, the same with the test passwords for the able2buy set up.

    Has anyone come accross any of this?
    The only thing i can think of is i have upgraded the computer to Vista Ultimate, maybe this is messing with the program

    Originally posted by wheelsnthings

    The Protx just says: Incomplete information submitted. The VendorTxCode field may be missing or you may have used an incorrect encryption password.

    Has anyone come accross any of this?
    Can't help with the rest but might be able to with this one.
    Close your catalogue.

    In your Site folder (whereever that is), Common OCC folder, open the "OCCPROTXScriptTemplate" file

    Does it show your vendorname where it says "
    my $sPassword" ? Or has it reset itself to "testvendor"

    If it has reset, change it back to what it should be (it'll likely have changed back your confirmation email address if you had it set too)

    Then REOPEN actinic. (important that Actinic is open when you do the next bit)

    Then, in your ActinicV8 folder (the one in program files) , in the OCCUpgrade folder, open the "OCCUpgrade" ini (confuguration file) in notepad and change the "version number" (probably 4 digit figure) to something higher than it is's good enough to increment it by 1.

    Save this file and UPLOAD Actinic.
    Now, you *might* need to do a purge and refresh if it throws up an error when it finishes uploading.

    Hopefully this should fix the VendorTXCode error that Protx is throwing at you.


      I don't think Abe2buy is integrated with Actinic, has Actinic said it is?

      Have you searched the forum using "protx" or "VendorTxCode" as key search term? There is a wealth of info already here within other threads/posts.

      Each time I get a problem with Protx I nearly always find someone else has hit the same problem before and has documented the solution here


        Originally posted by pinbrook
        Each time I get a problem with Protx I nearly always find someone else has hit the same problem before and has documented the solution here
        Good effort Jo, i'd struggle to be that indirect personally, but fair play.


          LOL, i try


            Originally posted by leehack
            Good effort Jo, i'd struggle to be that indirect personally, but fair play.
            I'm sure Kev will be along soon, i think the difference is the poster actualy said what they have done, rather than it dont work


              have gone into the file and changed the details again as i did before but it wont let me save the changes unless i take out the files from there, store on the desktop, change it and then replace back into the commonOCC folder


                hmmm..yeh, I wondered about that. That's Vista, isn't it?
                I don't know much about it, I'm afraid..maybe someone with Vista can advise whether that works? (Darren?)


                  Originally posted by budgetbumps
                  Can't help with the rest but might be able to with this one.
                  Close your catalogue.

                  In your Site folder (whereever that is), Common OCC folder, open the "OCCPROTXScriptTemplate" file

                  Does it show your vendorname where it says "
                  my $sPassword" ? Or has it reset itself to "testvendor"

                  If it has reset, change it back to what it should be (it'll likely have changed back your confirmation email address if you had it set too)

                  Then REOPEN actinic. (important that Actinic is open when you do the next bit)

                  Then, in your ActinicV8 folder (the one in program files) , in the OCCUpgrade folder, open the "OCCUpgrade" ini (confuguration file) in notepad and change the "version number" (probably 4 digit figure) to something higher than it is's good enough to increment it by 1.

                  Save this file and UPLOAD Actinic.
                  Now, you *might* need to do a purge and refresh if it throws up an error when it finishes uploading.

                  Hopefully this should fix the VendorTXCode error that Protx is throwing at you.
                  Or you could

                  open OCCUpgrade" ini (confuguration file) and increment the number by 1
                  Restart actinic
                  then change the OCCPROTXScriptTemplate file
                  then upload

                  Same thing just slightly different way, this appears to be a bug with the upgrade proceedure on the protx file and we have all found a way of getting around it - nice one miss Bumps

                  Same old thing

                  Man - a few words
                  Women - 100's of words for the same thing


                    Originally posted by budgetbumps
                    hmmm..yeh, I wondered about that. That's Vista, isn't it?
                    I don't know much about it, I'm afraid..maybe someone with Vista can advise whether that works? (Darren?)
                    Yer easy - turn off the security setting that stops you doing it


                      yeh well, I was just being more step by step

                      A lot of it comes down to knowing where to find the files in the first place.

                      *wanders off mumbling...cheeky ****


                        I have done it the long way by saving on to the desktop and copying it into the OCC file afterwards.
                        Just refreshing the website so lets see f this sorts it.

                        Another quick one tho, when first opening the CommonOCC file there is an Upgrade.ini there and a commonOCC folder too, if i open the commonOCC section there is another upgrade.ini do i change both by one number??

                        Am a bit thick when it comes to all this sort of thing so please bear with me


                          Please check

                          This information has also been posted on the forum several times, you must search before posting.

                          Kind regards,
                          Bruce King

