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page width problem

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    page width problem

    Hi folks

    i have a bit of a width problem !

    on some pages the main content "spills over" to underneath the left hand navigation menu.
    Example can be seen below :

    Its a bit strange as the error only shows itself on my laptop pc, and then ONLY when using Internet explorer (in this case, ie6)
    Firefox displays absolutely fine.
    the error does not show at all on my desktop pc - even when the screen resolution is set the same.

    Obviously if I can see the problem then others (may) be able to see it ....

    Any help appreciated - its causing headaches !!

    Thanks in advance

    Your site is quite narrow, check the sizes you have set for certain areas are not trying to have something bigger than that size included into them. The width you specify in site options, needs to be the same or smaller than the area you are providing it with.

    If i gave you a box 1m X 1m and asked you to put a 1.1m x 1.1m box into it, you couldn't, nor can your browser, in simple terms.


      I just tried with IE6 on my test PC and the layout is fine. If it's only on your laptop pc and only on IE6 then perhaps it could just be your browser cache - try clearing it and see if it solves the problem.

