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Gift Voucher Validity

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    Gift Voucher Validity

    I'd like to offer customers purchasing from our B&M shop a gift voucher for use online. Is there a way I can set things up so that the voucher can be used once only?

    The way I am thinking of it now is to have a single code that expires in 90 days and give this to everyone that purchases this month. While that could work it would not stop anyone from using the code over and over again.

    However if you have to have multiple single use codes then how could these be generated so they can't be cracked?

    This has been brought up mant times before as a wish item. I haven't heard of anyone actually getting a good solution in place. There have been some work arounds of sorts but they have involved manual intervention.

    Paypal do vouchers - you might want to explore that avenue.


      I may be a bit naive about these things but cna't you just use a coupon code for each voucher then remove it once the voucher has been used ?

      I am trying this on my site at the moment

      No doubt I will learn shortly that I cannot do this !
      Steve Jordan
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        Sure you can but it depends on how many you are managing and the fact that the coupons codes can be used again until you manually remove them.


          I was nearly 100% sure of the answers given above... hopefully this will be addressed in a future version. I'll nowjust implement a single code to give to people per month. I suppose if they use the code more than once at least they are ordering more than once also so that can't be a bad thing!

          I'll look into Paypal afterI've had time to install it on the site... thanks for the tip Duncan - I'll see if they also provide the same service in Australia.

