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Sub folders

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    Sub folders

    Hi all,

    A quick Q:

    Does anyone organise their final external registered design, images and css in sub folders inside the relevent site folder?

    If so, does it work reliably?

    Put your external design templates and the CSS in the site1 folder and any images you use, into a sub folder called Images. Reference the site folder and the image folder in dreamweaver like you normally do on non-actinic sites and you will never have a problem.


      Traditionally, developing in v3 to v7 I always *had* to mingle all this in the site1 folder which, to me being the neat freak that I am, is a right royal pain in the posterior.

      So are you saying I can't store css and site design images in subfolders?


        Originally posted by eighteentee
        So are you saying I can't store css and site design images in subfolders?
        Not at all, i am giving you a formula that works 100% of the time for me. I prefix any design file or CSS file with the number '1' and it is always then available to select at the top of the list, as the site1 folder has a lot of stuff in it.


          I always thought it would be really nice if you could keep stuff organised in sub-folders, but I don't think (based on previous messing around) it works too reliably for some reason (why?).


            Phill, you're beginning to sound like a control freak. Neat folders and setups is fine when applicable, but the site1 folder is full of junk, so just add to it and don't worry about it. Many things in actinic hinge around the site1 folder, it's just the way it is. All your images in the acatalog folder online, must send you into a cold sweat!

            NB: Please ignore the last sentence if you didn't know.


              I guess I am a neat freak - just makes it a shed-load easier to manage. I just hate trawling through the site1 folder when it's full of, like you say, junk. In my normal design workflow I always create sub-folders for CSS, Javascript, Flash, Images and anything else that can be organised. And, yeah, I did know how it all works.

              Oh well, back to the cauldron that is the site1 folder then.

              Thanks for the advice anyway Lee - much appreciated.


                My pleasure Phill, i like sub-folders too, but only when in the big picture it makes my life easier - that's the whole idea of the approach.

                Prefix anything you put in the site1 folder with the number '1', they are all neatly grouped together at the top of the list then and you can ignore the rest of the junk below it.


                  Sorry Lee, did you say that you can put the actual site design images into a sub-folder? You don't mean client managed product images do you?


                    Site design images i have in 'Images' sub-folder.
                    Product Pictures i have in 'productPictures' sub-folder.


                      Cool. That goes someway to satisfying my need for organization!

                      Thanks Lee.

