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Pricing Per Unit, box quantities and FAG discounts

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    Pricing Per Unit, box quantities and FAG discounts


    Can anyone tell me if the following is possible:

    We sell products priced per 100 pieces, box quantities however range from 50 to 1000.

    To add to the problem the products are family aggregated for pricing. For example;

    item 1 is £5 per 100pcs, box qty 200pcs
    item 2 is £1 per 100pcs, box qty 100pcs

    10 % discount at 500pcs, so if customer buys 2 of item1 and 1 of item2 = 500pcs he gets 10% off the total price.

    Because of the family aggregating I cannot just price item 1 at £10, if i did the discounts would no longer work.

    Any Ideas anyone?


    Can heterosexual people get the same discounts?


      Originally posted by leehack
      Can heterosexual people get the same discounts?

      FAG - Family Aggregated Group


        Having read your post about 5 times, i hope that this info is portrayed clearer on your website, it's confusing and i like to think i'm relatively intelligent. Can you not simplify it a little?

        Hows about creating set sizes and having quantity drop down boxes firing from hidden products with set prices. Is there really a need for discounts, can you not have prices reducing as standard as the set quantities increase?

        A pricing table in other words:

        10 = £10
        30 = £25
        100 = £75



          Yes, it is a little difficult to explain.

          basicall we have 1000's of product lines that are divided into product groups, the one I am dealing with at the moment is screws.

          As you can imagine there are hundreds of permutations when it comes down to this type of product. I'll try and explain:

          we have type of screw, length, size and finish. eg;

          posidrive 50mm No.4 zinc
          posidrive 60mm No.4 zinc
          slotted 40mm No.3 brass

          and so on....

          I could discount by individual product but that won't work as I want to apply discounts for a cumulative quantity across the whole range.

          This is easily done in V8 using the product groups and discounts structure (Family Aggregating)

          The problem arises because the product is only sold by the box and box quantities vary across the range. Pricing is done by piece, not box, hence the price per 100pcs as mentioned before.

          The discount structure is as follows:

          1000pcs - 10% off
          5000pcs - 15% off
          10000pcs - 20%
          15000pcs - 30%
          20000pcs - 35%

          So in order to apply the discounts correctly I need to add up the total number of screws purchased, not the number of boxes. The customer will however be ordering by the box.

          I may be able to do it by creating a custom variable to act as a selector for the quantity

          Any Clearer ?


            Gotcha, now you're talking in my language! Carpentry was my trade and now my hobby!

            So when i order a box of 2" No.8's, i get 200 in a box, whereas when i order a box of 4" No.10's, i only get 100 in the box. It is that quantity that is buggering you up as each box holds different amounts - gotcha!

            I would have on each product a table in the description, explaining the different prices on the quantities you buy. So something like the below neatly presented:

            1 Box = £4.00
            5 Boxes = £3.80 each
            10 Boxes = £3.50 each
            20 Boxes = £3.40 each
            50 Boxes = £3.20 each

            Then set up a quantity drop down box, firing from hidden products, which sets the quantities and the price for each. You could even go one step further and include the number of screws each sized box of screws actually contains, as in my experience this is pretty standard on the everyday screws.

            This then streamlines your packaging as you can have your products into a set number of boxes, rather than having to pick and pack each one individually.

            I like to show the discounted values there and then in front of them on the product description, not wait til they hit the cart to find out. If i come onto your site to order 800 2" No.8's and i see that the price decreases if i buy 1,000 (like on screwfix), then i wil always buy 1,000 instead.

            Control the quantities is my advice, relate the quantity based pricing clearly and price each bundle accordingly. That's how i like to buy screws (Tracey keep calm) anyway.


              Your solution is one that I already employ throughout the site but it can't work for Family Aggregated Products.

              If you take a look here you will see what I mean.

              We also use Family Aggregated pricing As this page shows.

              The screws issue is posing a bigger problem because I am combining the 3 elements of products variation / Quantity variation and discount.

              I am working on a custom variable at the moment that should do the trick.

              I'll let you know if I get it sussed.



