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check box for alternate shipping address

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    check box for alternate shipping address

    Hi, anyone had this before..I can't seem to remove the option for shipping to an alternative address to the invoice address.

    I removed it in V7 no problem, tried doing the same in V8 by deselecting the option in design/text. But it doesn't seem to make any difference?

    It's important that I remove this becasue of the nature of items we sell we are a target for fraudsters.

    Any ideas please? I suppose I could go into the template itself and remove it from there?

    Also, if anyone can recommend some good database developers for Actinic, that would be great!

    The cart area is very very fragile so before undertaking any work in there ensure plenty of usable snaphots. The quickest solution is, as you say, simply remove the code from the layout ... probably best to <!-- comment --> it out in case it breaks .... a lot of the cart stuff does not like being tinkered with. If it kills the site by deleting the code you can wrap the block in a <div> and set the styling to display:none to remove from the page but retain the functionality.

    There may be another route to take via Actinic's inbuilt options (I prefer the direct approach )

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Ok, Thanks Jont! I'll give it a whirl.

