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Use of @import causes trauma

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    Use of @import causes trauma

    Hi all,

    Does anyone know a reliable way (or better way) of importing other CSS into the main Actinic CSS? I usually favour leaving the Actinic sheet alone and importing my design CSS separately(using @import), however, on deploying a snapshot and the client subsequently importing it, the preview breaks as though no CSS is being applied. I added the CSS files in the 'additional files' dialog and also ensured any images referenced in my CSS were enclosed in single-quotes however it still fails. I also ensured any design images are referenced in the 'aditional files' dialog.

    Any ideas?

    I had same issue... just added another line in the Contentpage template below the call to actinic.css, calling to the custom css.


    <link href="actinic.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <link href="structure.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    Marci - <a href="" target="_blank"></a>


      I also remove the @import in favour of a direct link to a 2nd stylesheet... saves a lot of issues, especially when transferring sites.

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        I have just noticed that I commented out one line of CSS code, previewed and un-commented the same line only to find my working design now broken


          Try deleting the actinic.css copy in PreviewHTML and then preview back inside Actinic... I have had unsolveable issues with certain sites with this being the "cure" each time a mod is made to the sheet.

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


            You may need to put your style sheet through a style-sheet-checker

            some browsers will throw a wobbly when it encounters an error in the style definitions and won't bother processing the remaining styles.

            IExplorer is more "tolerant" of mistakes, and tends to get on with the next line. Actinic has the IE engine built in for the previewing

            Try checking the same site in FireFox AND IExplorer


              All code goes through the W3C validator first to ensure it's properly valid. I then test in IE5.5, IE6, IE7, FF2, Safari, Shiira, Omniweb and Opera to make sure there's no nasty surprises.

              I have found that since the initial v8 the handling of stylesheets to be quite buggy and erratic. I wonder if all this @import and PreviewHTML business is going to be resolved any day soon?

