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Changing groups of prices

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    Changing groups of prices


    We sell lots of products from a number of manufacturers. If 1 of the manufactures puts up prices (nearly always its across the board by a %) is there any way I can automate this % price increase just for them. These prices could be the product price and/or a component of a product price. Every product or component is assinged to that manufacturers content category when added to the site.

    An average manufacture will probably supply us about 100 products which between them will then contain another 100 componets so I don't particularly want to hand edit 200 products everytime the manufacturer changes price.



    Exporting your store into excel is an option, you can then go a global % change on whichever prices you want to change and then reimport them.


      Thanks Lee,

      I've tried that and apart from the absolute nightmare trying to re-import (it always fails to put them back into the correct sections/subsections. I can never get the component prices changes as I can't match up the fields when trying to re-import.

      Its one area I'm really disapointed with in Actinic as It was the promise from the Actinic sales team that I could easily do product group changes (and by year end were hoping to have 3-4000 products plus all the component variations - so its a regular and long process) that helped sway my choice of product purchase.

