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Import brochure pages from another snapshot

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    Import brochure pages from another snapshot

    Hi all,

    I have had a v8 store in development for a little while for a customer who is using v7. Basically, he's carried on using v7 updating and changing stuff while I have been busy doing the magic on a v8 store. Here's the problem; I was working off a snapshot of his v7 site that I upgraded and made nice and now I need to get the changed, most up-to-date snapshot of his v7 store. The v8 store has a rake of nice new brochure sections which the v7 store doesn't. So how do I get the changed products ect out of the latest v7 snapshot into my working v8 without overwriting all the juicy brochure sections and colour schemes etc? Might be a simple one but I've been scratching my head over this one..

    Nope you're right Phil, you are stuffed and had you been in touch with the forum a bit sooner, you'd have realised that putting new fragments into V8 was madness during the build stage.

    The design snapshot does not work, hierachical exports have a bug, basically you create the new V8 store and when client is happy with it, you get a new snapshot off them and reapply it all again. I'm just in the middle of this doing this at the moment.



      Curse my own stupidity!

      Here's me thinking that this would be a simpe one. How about I manually battle through the MDB and try to extract the brochure stuff that way and graft it into my new v8 site?

      NOTE TO SELF: Search the forum BEFORE I do ANY more Actinic development.


        NOTE TO SELF: Search the forum BEFORE I do ANY more Actinic development.

        and before you ask a question


          Phil, you may get away with a hierarchical, you can add to the database, it's a case of doing whatever works for you. Sometimes a hierarchical works, but problematic with fragments IME.

          Personally if i was in your situation, i would load up the test site and then when i have rebuilt the store just copy paste off the live test site OR, open up both versions of actinic and put the brochure pages into V7, if you have a 2 screen setup, you can copy paste easily. Once done, then upgrade it.


            Leehack: Agreed - I'm all for an easier life and don't need to remove any more of my own hair for now.

            Pinbrook: You're right but having been awake from 2.45am this morning feeding my newborn I didn't even think about it - currently functioning on a cocktail of very strong coffee and Red Bull.

