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Can you change the search results image?

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    Can you change the search results image?

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone out there has managed to substitute their search results images for one of their choice? I want to use resized versions of my extended images pictures in the search results but everything I've tried so far has gone wrong. I know I'll need to set up some sort of variable but I don't even know where to start with that. Any ideas?

    I thought that search results used the thumbnail images, maybe i'm mixed up. Check and see which image it uses, if it is the thumbnail, then add your extended info image names into the thumbnail field.

    Can't give exact help, in middle of an upload.


      Lee is right.

      The search will display your thumbnail images. Resize these to what you require... i find that 75x75px is ideal for most thumbs.
      "Opportunities multiply as they are seized." - Sun Tzu


        Cheers, nice one.. thought it resized the standard image, so i was making life difficult for myself! Thanks again

