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Styles drop down in formatting bar for products and fragments

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    Styles drop down in formatting bar for products and fragments

    Hello all (especially Actinic),

    Does anyone know why the styles drop down in the formatting bar for products and fragments doesn't appear to work? It just lists 'None' for me regardless of what's available in the stylesheet.

    I know I can easily embed spans for styles etc, just wanted to know if the drop down is actually supposed to work and I'm doing something wrong or if it's a bug that hasn't been fixed yet.

    The question has been raised before in this thread: from February.

    Didn't seem to be any response on what was wrong with it though.

    Any ideas anyone?

    Ta muchly.

    OXLink Web Design (Oxford)
    Actinic developers since version 3
    01865 361696


    I found that switching to the Design tab and back makes the list appear properly with all the CSS options in it. I have passed this on to the development team for their investigation as well.
    Krithika Chandrasekar


    E-commerce software by SellerDeck


      No joy

      Hi Krithika,

      Thanks for your reply. I don't see what you're seeing though unfortunately.

      I'm using Designer 8.5.1 HERA and I've literally just this moment 'Licensed a new site' to test switching to the design tab and back with a 'box fresh' shop. Doesn't seem to make any difference though. All I get in the formatting bar is: Normal & headings 1 - 6 in the 'text type' drop down; Arial, Georgia, Tahoma, Times New Roman & Verdana in the font family drop down (that's a bit weird as well because the DesignFonts.ini file shows more fonts than that); numbers 8 - 72 in the font size drop down; 'None' in the styles drop down; a font colour picker; bold button; italics button & underline button (I'd actually like to get rid of the last one but that's just me being picky).

      I've attached a screen shot so you can see what I mean.

      Many thanks.

      Attached Files
      OXLink Web Design (Oxford)
      Actinic developers since version 3
      01865 361696


        It's a bug

        Hi all,

        Actinic Support have confirmed that this is indeed a bug in 8.5.1. They're working on it.

        OXLink Web Design (Oxford)
        Actinic developers since version 3
        01865 361696


          Still a bug

          Hi all,

          Just an update on this for anyone who's interested. This is still a bug and it's on the list to be fixed in a future release (not the next one though).


          OXLink Web Design (Oxford)
          Actinic developers since version 3
          01865 361696


            Originally posted by Tiger
            (not the next one though)
            Sigh, this would be a good feature too if it worked.
            Was hoping this bug was sorted out, it has been around for a long time.
            So annoying when you don't want one of the set colours.


              It is annoying, particularly as I now have to explain to our clients that part of Actinic doesn't actually work. It's not so much the feature, it's more the 'well if bits of it don't work, how good is Actinic actually?' kind of thoughts our clients are likely to be having as a result.

              I'm glad you said it's been around as a bug for a while as the developers didn't seem aware of it at all (hence it not being included in the next release which is supposed to be quite close) but I'm quite sure it's been in evidence since at least February.
              OXLink Web Design (Oxford)
              Actinic developers since version 3
              01865 361696

