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Add to Cart in Extended Info page

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    Add to Cart in Extended Info page


    I have used the Extended Info facility to include an 'add to cart' button, and then open the extended info in the same window. This works very well however...

    I have one or two sections which I'd like to use a 'Single Add to Cart per Page' layout. This in itself is not a problem, until I try to have the Extended Info open in the same window and include an 'Add to Cart' button.

    It opens in the same window alright, and has the correct layout - but No 'Add to Cart' button is there! - The only way I can get Actinic to include one, is to un-tick the 'Single Add to Cart Button per Page' option on the parent section.

    Does anyone know how I can acheive a section page with a single 'Add to Cart' button in combination with Extended Info pages which include an 'Add to Cart'


    Alec Moss
    Business Webpage Ltd
    Web Design
    Starter Websites


    That will not be possible, would be best to create duplicates of the sections and set these up normally and here you can use the extended info page with the add to cart button. When using a setup with a single add to cart then you cannot have the extended info page have a cart button when the main product does not have one.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King

