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Page centered

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    Page centered

    I am battling with creating a design in Dreamweaver and then registering the design with Actinic, etc.

    My design in Dreamweaver is centred using the usual page width in pixels, and left/right hand 'auto' settings setup.

    Everything was fine until I brought in the Actinic code (i.e. registered the design) - now the design appears left aligned when I preview in Dreamweaver CS3, even though it is centered in Dreamweaver design mode?

    I have all my dreamweaver files and css file in the root of the Actinic site folder.

    Anyone else had this problem?

    what does it look like with web page preview?

    You could try inserting a div just within the <body> tags to 'wrap' the whole page as follows:

    <div style = "margin:0 auto">

    site html



      Hi Peter

      Yes, I did that.

      It looks OK (i.e. centered) but when I preview it it is not centered?

      This only occured when I registered with Actinic.



        John which version of IE are you using? IE6 has issues with margin: 0 auto; so the hack was to text-align: center; the <body> and then align everything back again for p, td etc etc.

        You may also have clashing styling in the actinic.css causing it to be reset to left align. May be worth previewing in Firefox as this gives a better indication of where to start looking.

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          Hi - thanks for the reply.

          I am using IE7 - in Firefox the page does center but a few other issues come to light such as the area under the section list seems to be missing?


            Firefox tends to show the site "correctly" and IE assumes how it should look. If other parts of the page are not showing correctly this could be part of the issue .. you will need to resolve them one at a time to see what is causing the issue. AFAIK IE7 has sorted the margin: 0 auto; that bugged IE6

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

