Have you got a support number, i shall ring them tomorrow and insist they have a snapshot, via ftp because im not messing around sending all the other ways they always ask for. And tell them this a different person with the same/similar problem.
Yes, 111050 (didn't even have to look that up!). Hope you've got a sharp pointy stick too :-)
Darren, on a business note, do you do any 6" x 5m 9mm facia in plain black with a good colourfast warranty? I need 6 lengths and maybe more if I can afford to move the scaffolding around the sides and of the building.
I have exacly the same problem with no component choice detail or price being added to the cart. I've had a support ticket (111050) open since the end of MAY!!! and I'm getting really really really p'd off.
So much for Actinic Support!!
I've had problems for weeks and had to finally figure my last issue out for myself by going in the knoweledge base.
The problem(s) started happening soon after the last update.
Can you say Windows redux?!
Try the Knowledge Base, it answers faster compared to Actinic Support.
Yes, 111050 (didn't even have to look that up!). Hope you've got a sharp pointy stick too :-)
Darren, on a business note, do you do any 6" x 5m 9mm facia in plain black with a good colourfast warranty? I need 6 lengths and maybe more if I can afford to move the scaffolding around the sides and of the building.
Thanks for the number, i will remind them of that when i call.
Can do you a black ash, it's a 7" inside dimensions around 6 5/8" all the woodgrain has a min 10 year. Were abouts are you, can get it delivered by the London office but might take a while as we dont like to stick it on carrier, can do you 2.5M lengths and some joiners and i can get that done from my office on carrier within a couple of days. drop me an email if you like and i can pick this up with you off line
ok...I *think* I know what is causing the problem here.
the ProductReference variable!
I'm using 8.5.1HFUA
But I still have occurances of the ProductReference variable..notably in my Add to cart layout! (which was an upgraded 7.0.7 template)
I changed it to use one of the V8.5.1 layouts and it works!
So now I've copied the 8.5.1 layout INTO my upgraded 7.0.7 layout (to save chasing all my product layouts to change them all to the new "add to cart" version) and....so far so good..all seems ok
OMG, I fixed it!!
Nice one Tracey, that epitamises why for 9 months we have been recommending applying a clean v8 theme and starting again, not upgrading.
Having said that, the patched patch released to correct what the original patch failed miserably to do, should not be selective on what it upgrades, it should be scraping the whole database surely.
The snowball continues. Duplicates and PPP leaving a big grey cloud hanging with an incredibly small amount of communication from the people bringing this to us.
now whats this that everyone has been saying about the KB recently?
It's a waste of time for the amount that use it. Your next customer will mean you can use your second hand to count the takers lol. Thats the 5th positive i've counted.
My God how obsessed are you, relax it's just a load of binary presented nicely. 800 odd views on your KB thread in the forum, it's way behind.
By the time it catches up, it will be outdated and we will all be nagging actinic to keep it up to date.
Silly me thought that using the patch that fixed the duplicates "bug"...would actually avoid me having any problems with the duplicates "bug"!
go figure!
I *knew* it was displaying ALL the same symptoms as the pre-HFUA duplicate problems..but couldn't understand why, when I was using the supposedly "fixed" version
And I had no problems with duplicates on BB at all, despite upgrading from the same version.
But OMG, I can't believe it's actually working and I can go back to doing proper work now!!!
ETS..I know that building a new store and bringing the old site into it may have been a wiser move..but that would mean that, due to my limited..well, no...zero design skills, I'd end up with an "OOTB" store which I didn't really want.
Either i dreamt it or Bruce and Chris have already told us that the patched patch didn't do it all. I thought it was common knowledge that anything wrong on duplicates was down to the product reference?