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Related Products in Columns

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    Related Products in Columns

    We have a site which has a large number of related products: typically one product is related to 3 others. We would like to display the related products in a row. e.g. A shirt with 3 different ties in a row underneath.

    Any help/ideas are much appreciated !

    Excuse our ignorance if we are missing the obvious here - a perusal of help + menu options didn't locate quite what we are after.


    Art Zeugen

    I've been trying to achieve the same thing!
    The layouts for related products in Actinic are pretty crap, tbh..
    I haven't managed to get one looking half-decent yet.
    What I'd really like is for them to display like the homepage new products...3 in a row..side by boxes.
    I've tried to the best of my ability but didn't manage to figure it out so I moved onto more pressing matters..
    I'll be interested in your replies though.


      just steal the code from bestsellers (mini layout) and use this for RP instead


        In the list settings what do you have the "middle row" value set to?

        Those lists tend to be tabled so it is a case of editing the layout list to create a 3 x 1 table rather than a 1 x 3 .... I tend to strip out all the table code and use css to float: left;

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          Originally posted by pinbrook
          just steal the code from bestsellers (mini layout) and use this for RP instead
          I tried that but I tried it with the new products (would that make a difference?) but it didn't work for me at all.
          I'm just not experienced enough (yet) with code in general to start hacking layouts about.
          If I ever get the Jesters site sorted (one way or another ) I'll come back to it.

          I obviously did it wrong but sometimes, when I've been at something, that should be straightforward, for several hours, I can't see the wood for the trees.

          It obviously *should* work by taking the mini layout code from I'll try it again sometime
          Thanks, Jo


            Update on Related Products

            Thanks very much for the advice. Also thanks go to Actinic Support for a couple of tips they passed on: I know it's been a bad year, it must be a tough job in support but we've had some good help. And we have a working site, which is always a good start

            For anyone wanting a similar fix, this is what we did:

            Design/Library/Layouts/Related Products/Standard Product Related Products Lists

            Edit list layout settings

            Edit Rows and Columns

            Change Middle Row to 3

            Then go to Design View for Mini Product Related Products Item

            About line 16 is:

            <hr size="1" align="CENTER" width="xxx">

            Whatever the width is, I set to 300.

            And it works :-) Documenting fixes is good. Google is good. Forums are great.

            Thanks again to all that offered advice, much appreciated.



              Originally posted by Art Zeugen
              thanks go to Actinic Support for a couple of tips they passed on

              Change Middle Row to 3
              Originally posted by jont
              In the list settings what do you have the "middle row" value set to?
              Have those blaggards being reading my posts again and claiming the glory

              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                lol @ blaggards, what you on about Jonty, i thought you was actinic support? Rumour has it you wrote the actinic.css too.


                  Originally posted by leehack
                  Rumour has it you wrote the actinic.css too.
                  How very dare you - my actinic.css isTotallyReadable

                  SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                    Hi all,

                    i'm using V9
                    i've managed to get the related products in a row but they are all squashed up to the right.
                    how and where can i align them to the left?



                      Tell us what you have set in the list layout, providing a picture probably the best way to explain.


                        i've set the middle row to 3 in the list layout.
                        i've quickly published the site so you can see the result at



                          If you have set it to 3, then it will show as 3 wide, which is what you have got. If you want it 1 wide, then set it to 1.


                            Ah i see what you mean now on your site, your product layout is a table layout and has 2 columns, left and right, they do not cross over unless coded to do so. I think your easiest step will be to select a CSS product layout, you won't get this happening then. It may mean you have to alter things a little to get them as you want, but i'd suggest that will be easier than trying to explain over text how to alter this.

                            Alternatively you'd need to provide the code for your product layout, so it can be adjusted in here, use code tags when posting it though.


                              i got the effect i wanted by changing to a CSS product layout as you suggested.., i just need to straigten a few things out with the code.


