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Extended Info Pages Not Being Generated

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    Extended Info Pages Not Being Generated

    I'm doing a design upgrade for a site that had already been upgraded to v8. I've noticed that a lot of the extended info pages are not being uploaded to the test site. They all appear within the Page Preview but not within the Site HTML folder.

    So they appear to exist somewhere but for some reason they are not making it into the Site HTML folder.

    Does anyone have any ideas what might be causing this?

    I've tried resetting the Extended Info layout to the factory settings but that hasn't helped.

    I've checked the client's current live site and the Extended Info Pages all appear to be uploaded I'm guessing that if he has those files in his Site HTML folder I might be able to copy and paste them in - is it possible that these files were somehow dropped when he created the snapshot?
    Actinic Web Design | Actinic Templates


    If this has not been sorted as yet, try deleting the contents of your 'Site HTML' folder and then refresh the test site. That should regenerate all that needs going into the 'Site HTML' folder.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      Hi Bruce,

      no that didn't work. Thanks for the suggestion though. I've traced a number of possible causes and found a way forward now, even if it is a bit labour intensive.


      Actinic Web Design | Actinic Templates


        One thing to check...

        Make sure you've still got the extendedinfolinks layout in your product template.


          Yes, got that thanks. The 2 main things that I think have caused the problems are: the site was upgraded from v6 to v8 but the guy who did the upgrade removed some of the files before upgrading (for some unknown reason) and the site owner uses product reference numbers for new products that had previously been used by products which have been deleted but not purged - this of course causes a conflict of reference numbers if the deleted product gets undeleted.

          I think a combination of these 2 things has brought about the problem and the only way forward is to re-list each product afresh with a new ref number, delete the old product and then purge all deleted content.

          It'll take a while but will be worth it in the long run.
          Actinic Web Design | Actinic Templates

