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Executive theme navigation text replacement

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    Executive theme navigation text replacement

    I don't expect any replies at this hour unless Lee is up as usual but..
    How can I replace the navigation links(executive theme see jpg attached) with my own buttons? preferably two buttons for each, down and hover states etc..

    Hope this makes sense.
    Thanks in advance
    Attached Files
    Simon Bridges
    Alex Reade World of Motosport

    If you are any good with CSS i'd do it with that instead, no need to use images at all unless you have a specific need. Take a look on my homepage, most sites featured on there are CSS buttons, where you can easily set the styles.

    I like an ID of something like "navbar", i then add <a> tags and then i style the navbar a:link & navbar a:visited in one colour and the a:hover and a:active in another.

    You can add your own <a> tags with pipe separators and remove the actinic bar, or you can use an <ul> and style the <li> accordingly. There really is so many options, have a look round and come up with something that you'd like to achieve - it'll be much easier to offer some helpful assistance then.


      I knew you would be up... makes me feel guilty for hitting the sack at 2.30am!

      Well, I am on a steep learning curve with css but agree that it would be preferable to using images. My main concern at the moment is making the header section of the page look nice and slick. At the moment our new logo sits to the left of the header with search and cart contents buttons to the left. I would dearly love to have a banner logo running across the top of the page as per your lawnmower site.(see attached images for what I am trying to acheive using executive theme) Any ideas would be helpful.

      Attached Files
      Simon Bridges
      Alex Reade World of Motosport


        if you aren't up to css then simply change the nav bar layout you are using to one that is image based rather then css - do this in the overall layout

        apply that ....

        then you will have a load of naff nav images in your site1 folder, replace these images with your own - use the same names - and bobs your uncle

