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'SectionLevel' used out of context

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    'SectionLevel' used out of context

    Hi there

    I know similiar issues have been raised previously but in this case I can't seem to solve the problem using the forum. Basically I have some click to enlarge images throughout my store. However I want to disable this feature on the Homepage (in the best sellers section which appears on my homepage) for reasons which aren't relevant. Anyway I have achieved this quite nicely using a 'block if' statement...

    (<actinic:variable name="SectionLevel" /> != "")
    ie only show this as a <a href> if not on the Hompage

    I have noticed on the Homepage SectionLevel =="" not "0" anyway this works fine however every now and again I get the error SectionLevel is used out of context. If I click on the error it seems ok for a while then it will randomly resurface.

    In order to combat this problem I have tried using the 'isBrochureHomepage' varible which does exactly the same thing and results in exactly the same problem.

    As i said earlier everything works perfectly and uploads fine so overlooked it up til now, however, if i provide my client (who is running business edition) with a new site def, the coding error may rear its head and obviously they don't have access to the code. Second to this its for my satisfaction as well to get this sorted....

    I'm aware that the 'out of context' error is usually down to using a variable in the wrong place but surely 'isBrochureHomepage' or 'SectionLevel' can be used on the homepage

    Any ideas anyone?

    Thanks in advanced


    Originally posted by APpLe
    If I click on the error it seems ok for a while then it will randomly resurface.
    There seems to be a bug in these conditions as several of us have noticed this occurring for no reason and then disappearing as mysteriously as it appears.. it does not seem condition / variable specific ... maybe Actinic can now take a look as this is popping from more users.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Ok cheers for that, i had a suspicion it may be a bug in Actinic. Don't suppose there is much I can do for now then.

      Cheers for your help



        Not that I have found .. other than deleting and entering exactly the same as it was! Bonkers.

        I have one such condition that I can only reset by installing the snapshot ... even though the condition has not been touched and is identical to the one it is replacing!

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          Yep, thats sounds familiar however I only have to click 'apply' in the condition editor and it sorts itself out for a while. Weird that its only happenin on the Homepage, I have a few other conditions throughout the site and no probs


            Yes, this is familiar. I get it on the sitemap - click the link in the error list, sitemap page opens, error dissappears. Never effects upload, so now I just upload and only look at errors that stop uploading.

            Pity, it should be such a useful feature.
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              99% of the time it is benign .. which negates its usefulness as you say Bill.

              It does sometimes corrupt layouts if the block if is not working correctly.

              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

