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Site comments and some help needed (please!)

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    Site comments and some help needed (please!)


    I've been playing with Actinic Business for a couple of weeks now and have finally started to get something which I'm happy with.

    The actinic site can be found here:

    Could you let me know what you think of the layout etc and any other comments you might have. Obviously it's not finished yet, only the home, prices and view cart buttons work and there's no content.
    I thought it would be better to get some feedback now rather than waiting until it's complete and having to go back and change things.

    I've never used Actinic before so please be nice!

    Also got a couple of questions which I haven't been able to find answers for (have looked in the Advanced Manual and searched the forum):

    How do I edit the CSS that controls the INNERLAYOUT? The Innerlayout has been placed in another div tag called "Mainbox" which I defined in Dreamweaver, however the styles set for this don't seem to make any difference???

    How do I insert html into a page without it affecting all the other pages?... i.e on the Prices page I wanted to insert 4 boxes with the 4 sections rather than using the standard text links, however when I did this it inserted the boxes into all the other pages as well... there was a guide in the Advanced Manual on how to get content only to appear on the home page using Blocks, is something similar required here?

    Think that will do for now!

    Would really appreciate any comments or help anyone can give regarding the site!

    PrintVend for Stationery and Promotional Printing

    Anyone at all?
    PrintVend for Stationery and Promotional Printing


      How do I edit the CSS that controls the INNERLAYOUT?
      all CSS is held in ActinicStylesheet, editable in the preview pane.

      Not going to comment on design as its to early to make any contstructive comments

      Make sure you have worked through the getting started guide, before asking too many other Qs about how to do stuff, as once you've work through this things should be a little clearer.


        Hi Josh,

        Just a few points...

        I like the look so far although it is still in it's infancy. Make sure you include a link to your delivery policy that is very easy to see as this is what can determine if someone buys from you or not... make it simple.

        About the boxes - you can change the layout of them by clicking on the layout tab in the section details window - then in "top sub section list layout" you can change to another layout.

        You can add layouts by doing to Design | Library | Layouts and click on "Sub Section Lists.

        Hope this helps.


        PS. Just a gentle warning... bumping up your own threads in this community can work against you. Patience is the key here - everyone is a "volunteer" and so your post will be answered eventually... bumping just brings it back to the "bottom of the pile".


          Thanks for the comments and sorry for bumping the post! (didn't mean to annoy anyone, but can see how it would)

          I'm looking through the Actinic Stylesheet now and will also look through the getting started guide regarding the other query... I had skimmed through it but I probably missed the bit i needed.

          Once again thanks for your help,
          PrintVend for Stationery and Promotional Printing


            I'd also suggest looking at things the other way round, get all your products in first and then fine tune the design. You can't get a real idea of how things will look until you start to see it come together with products. Listing products is the ballache, the design is the fun part.

            Just like when your Sunday dinner arrives and you get the peas and carrots out of the way, so you can enjoy the yorkshire puddings and beef without the stupid veg wrecking it for you.

            You need to be much further on for a review really.

