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New Layout Question

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    New Layout Question

    I created a new layout to contain the Price & Add to Basket button which I then entered into a product description so that i could have further text below these. eg:

    product description
    Price Add to Basket
    More Information

    I got this to work perfectly in one site. However I have now tried to re-create it in a new site and can't get it to work. When I add the [EXTRATEXT] (name of layout & selector I created) into the product description and do a preview I get the html for the table that contains the Price & Add to Basket

    Can't work out where I've gone wrong.

    If above doesn't make sense - Works - doesn't work

    Anyone got any suggestions what I've missed?


    Kathy Newman

    Looks like incorrect coding or not properly embedded when you see raw html. Make sure you have embedded it correctly and your tags are all opened and closed correctly. I'd put my money on a badly formed/closed tag.

    Create a new layout in design library and paste the whole of the layout from the one that works, if that doesn't work, you know it is site specific problem.


      Thanks Lee - did create another from code from site that works and thats when found had problem.

      Not sure it's tags - only thing I can think of is that I havent defined it somewhere. Created the new layout, new selector, added the layout code as from site working and put in [EXTRATEXT] (as per site working) in the product descriptions. I can put the html code into dreamweaver and it looks ok - just not in the product!

      Kathy Newman

