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Removing component lines from cart/checkout display

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    Removing component lines from cart/checkout display


    I have a setup whereby the client is selling hampers made up of overlapping subsets of products. I have created products for each item which goes into the hamper, and the hamper itself is a product with components which are linked to the constituent products - via Asociated Product. Component As Separate Order Line' is unchecked for these components, and they all have £0.00 price (as the pricing is calculated offline per hamper).

    My problem is that the component items show up in the cart and checkout, and I don't want this. Is there any way short of Perl mods to prevent the component products showing?

    Many thanks, Dan

    No ideas on this one still, except that the product line seems to be in an XML template. Can I edit this?

    Thanks, Dan


      OK, I think I've cracked it, but it's a Perl mod that I'm not too sure about.

      In I have found the lines:

      	foreach $pComponent (@{$CurrentItem{'COMPONENTS'}})
      			if ($pComponent->{'SEPARATELINE'})		# component displayed in separate order line
      				push @aComponentsSeparated, $pComponent; 				}
      			else												# component included in product's order line
      				push @aComponentsIncluded, $pComponent; 				}
      and replaced with:

      		foreach $pComponent (@{$CurrentItem{'COMPONENTS'}})
      			if ($pComponent->{'SEPARATELINE'})		# component displayed in separate order line
      				# push @aComponentsSeparated, $pComponent; ###REMMED BY DAN 20JUL07, HIDES COMPONENTS IN CART/CHECKOUT###
      			else												# component included in product's order line
      				# push @aComponentsIncluded, $pComponent; ###REMMED BY DAN 20JUL07, HIDES COMPONENTS IN CART/CHECKOUT###
      As I see it, this is stopping the component data getting pushed into an array, and it seems to work OK, showing no components in the cart / checkout, but I'm nervous...!

      I had previously tried a v7 fix but, bizarrely, this seemed to remove only every other component name.


        Hi Dan

        I've got this working correctly by just replacing "$pComponent->{'QUANTITY'}," with "$pComponent->{' '}," and also "$pComponent->{' NAME'}" with "$pComponent->{' '}" in . I've tested this on a default site and it works on all products. So would it be posssible for you revert the file back to the factory version and then try the same.

        The factory version files are usually in C:\Program Files\Actinic V8\Original

        Kind Regards
        Kiran Chandran
        Technical Support - SellerDeck

        Further help can also be found at


          Thanks Kiran

          Have only just seen your reply. Do you think there are any possible problems with my solution? I have deployed the site now, using my original fix, and all seems to be working fine. So unless you think it may cause a problem, I think I'll stick with the original.

          Regards, Dan

