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Credit Card Charge

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    Credit Card Charge

    I know there are numerous posting on this subject throughout the forum, after spending an hour or so searching, but they dont seem to answer my question specifically, or supply the definitive answer. Is it possible to apply a credit card charge (Surcharge) to the Grand total of an order, which includes Products, Carriage, and Vat.
    If so how is this achieved please. We are using V8

    Regards Ian M: o

    Add it under the discounts option as a surcharge, either fixed amount or %



      If you add a surcharge to the payment method - there is unfortunately no way to stop it being added to debit cards.

      And surcharging a debit card payment is against the law isn't it?
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        as for against the law, it could well be, but how to paypal get away with it, is it because there are charging for there service in processing it not charging for using it?

        A little home work required.



          Originally posted by wjcampbe
          surcharging a debit card payment is against the law isn't it?
          I don't think so, so long as the customer is aware of the additional charge prior to completing their order.

          Adding anything to an order is not a good idea - especially on internet orders where the majority of people will wish to pay via credit card. If you are not able to absorb the additional handling costs as part of your operating cost then may be worth considering tweaking the selling price slightly to accommodate. Nobody likes to pay more than the price they see... especially on greedy bank charges.

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


            I'm with Jonty on this one, Did a lot of research on various internet based business over the last 2 years and the bigest single complaint is additional charges. So many baskets get left behind at the virtual checkout when card processing fees appear. when you spend £30 or £40 with someone and they still charge you for paying in advance for the goods, just add 10p onto every product and accept that your splitting the cost with the customer.

            If you look at PayPal's early documentation, it makes very little mention of what it charges a customer for when they pay for something with a credit card and no mention of the Debit Card charges. It is still a difficult subject to get a diffinative answer on untill you actually get to the checkout process. Its not that they hide it away, its that its termed negative advertising so they dont mention it till the checkout phase.


