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Content Categories

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    Content Categories

    I am sure this is really simple, but for some reason I can't get my head around it.

    Basically a furniture site I am looking at has two main sections, namely 'Browse by collection' and 'Browse by item'.

    So, for example, the 'Browse by collection' route will have a sub-section that is say the 'XYZ' collection which may have a chest of drawers, a bed, a foot-stool and an otterman in that particular collection.

    Via 'Design' > 'Content Categories' I will set a product category or do I need to set 'Product Groups'? Basically, for instance, I want to set the bed in the XYZ collection a category or product group of 'bed'.

    So, the 'Browse by collection' section will have all the collections - the 'ABC' collection may be a dining table, chairs, table lamp, etc.

    When I have all the 'Browse by collection' section finished and complete with new collections and products, I want a way to be able to then work on the 'Browse by item' section and create subsections named 'beds', tables', 'lamps', etc, etc - so if a visitor goes to the site, they can go to 'Browse by collection' to see a certain collection that say offers a range of bedroom furniture, another that offers the same, another that offers the same, etc.


    they can choose 'Browse by item' which will have 'beds', 'chairs', 'sofas/settees', etc as choices and they can see all the beds listed from all the collections if they choose the 'bed' sub-section.

    Si, basically, my questions are:

    (i) can Actinic somehow create the 'Browse by item' subsection by checking the content category or product group field, and populating the section or sub-section


    (ii) what is the best field to use for the purpose. Does Actinic Business Client allow 'Content Categories' to be created (I am using Designer Multi-Site)

    Apologies if this is basic stuff and kinda doesn't make sense in this long message - however, any help would be gratefully received.



    I've just been looking at this again - if anyone has a comment, it would be gratefully received.




      Hi John, I could be wrong and have missunderstood your problem but i personally would go down the Section Sub-section route and have duplicate products in the various sections. That way your not trying to make the system see one product in multiple catagories, your developing two distinct sections, which is what you required with different layouts for each section.

      In one your products are listed by group ie all the beds, all the tables etc. All the beds would be one sub-section, tables another, ottermans another.

      In the other, the products ale listed in sets so all the windsor collection, all the sandhurst collection etc. each one being a sub section. Creating duplicates is the best way i believe as it also allows you to link each duplicate to another so, when a customer looks at the beds and sees the Sandurst Master 4 poster and falls in love, the item is also linked to your other section where all the Sandurst range are listed.

      Make sense?



        I believe you are intending to use the content categories for the purpose we would logically think they were designed for. Sadly, they are not for doing what you are wanting to and in fact i am yet to meet a person who is actually using them at all.

        I have heard of one story of using them, which went titsup and they were then discarded, nothing else at all. Bit of a shame really as they could be a great addition if implemented as we would want them to be.

        Be interesting to see if anyone jumps in saying them use them (DHYB), sadly i think you need to follow previous advice with duplicates.



          Many thanks for your input guys - I'll go down the product duplicates route.


