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Upload Failure due to conflicting .js files

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    Upload Failure due to conflicting .js files

    Hi All, this dreaded problem has returned, and this time the fix that the support people came up with just isn’t working. To recap.

    During the upload we were getting the following error message. The solution the technical support came up with seemed a little extreme but seemed to work. Close down Actinic, delete all the files in \PreviewHTML, \SiteHTML and \DesignPreviewHTML. This worked but the problem came back. At first occasionally and then regularly and now every time.

    The added problem is that, by deleting all the files in those folders, the new pages that I have developed ate not available for actinic to upload as part of the process so not only do we get the file not there warning, but the files are not on the server so the links are broken.

    Suggestions on how to sort this will be greeted with open arms. And yes I do have technical support working on the problem as well but need as much imput on this one as I can get.

    Some filenames conflict. All files being sent to the web site must have unique names. Please check the list of files in Design | Additional Files.

    Some of the following files must be renamed before an upload can occur. Once the files are renamed, reselect them in the Actinic.

    C:\Documents and Settings\Keith Smith\My Documents\Actinic v8\Sites\Site1\PreviewHTML\P_Research.html
    C:\Documents and Settings\Keith Smith\My Documents\Actinic v8\Sites\Site1\SiteHTML\..\PreviewHTML\P_Research.html

    C:\Documents and Settings\Keith Smith\My Documents\Actinic v8\Sites\Site1\Act_sections.js
    C:\Documents and Settings\Keith Smith\My Documents\Actinic v8\Sites\Site1\SiteHTML\..\Act_sections.js

    C:\Documents and Settings\Keith Smith\My Documents\Actinic v8\Sites\Site1\actiniccore.js
    C:\Documents and Settings\Keith Smith\My Documents\Actinic v8\Sites\Site1\SiteHTML\..\actiniccore.js

    C:\Documents and Settings\Keith Smith\My Documents\Actinic v8\Sites\Site1\actinicextras.js
    C:\Documents and Settings\Keith Smith\My Documents\Actinic v8\Sites\Site1\SiteHTML\..\actinicextras.js

    C:\Documents and Settings\Keith Smith\My Documents\Actinic v8\Sites\Site1\PreviewHTML\P_Research.html
    C:\Documents and Settings\Keith Smith\My Documents\Actinic v8\Sites\Site1\SiteHTML\..\PreviewHTML\P_Research.html

    C:\Documents and Settings\Keith Smith\My Documents\Actinic v8\Sites\Site1\Act_sections.js
    C:\Documents and Settings\Keith Smith\My Documents\Actinic v8\Sites\Site1\SiteHTML\..\Act_sections.js

    C:\Documents and Settings\Keith Smith\My Documents\Actinic v8\Sites\Site1\actiniccore.js
    C:\Documents and Settings\Keith Smith\My Documents\Actinic v8\Sites\Site1\SiteHTML\..\actiniccore.js

    C:\Documents and Settings\Keith Smith\My Documents\Actinic v8\Sites\Site1\actinicextras.js
    C:\Documents and Settings\Keith Smith\My Documents\Actinic v8\Sites\Site1\SiteHTML\..\actinicextras.js

    Originally posted by BigRedKeith
    ...The added problem is that, by deleting all the files in those folders, the new pages that I have developed ate not available for actinic to upload as part of the process...
    I'm a bit confused with this paragraph. What do you mean when you say the new pages you developed are not available for upload? Are these pages that you have developed outside of Actinic? The files that support suggested you delete are recreated by Actinic prior to upload or previewing. The only time you should need to place files in these other folders (such as PreviewHTML and DesignPreviewHTML) are if you wish to preview something that is say added to the Additional Files List.


      HI Duncan, well to be honest, i have developed additional paged in DW and placed them in the SiteHTML folder and pointed to them in the link URL. i could place these files anywhere but figured to put them with all the other html files that the store creates during its upload, thought as long as the path in the fragment URL pointed to them it would not be an issue. I created them using the P-CRTemplate that i opened up in DW to create a new file.

      But when i delete everything from the three folders and leave just the files i created the .js file conflict still occures. when i delete everything from those folders i get the cascade of errors i put in the message.

      Really stuck on this one.

      EDIT.... is it possible that the P_CRTemplate contains hard coding and because i essentially made copies of this template i also coppies snippits of code resulting in the .js file being replicated. The .js files dont show anywhere except in the Site1 folder.


        Custom pages should really be in the Site1 directory. But if you created them from a P_Blah.html page there is a good chance that links within the page are incorrect. Go through every one and check that all the links are correct and do not include "../" anywhere in them (more than likely they should just be "page.html").

        Once you have corrected the links do an upload and repost if you still have problems. And NEVER use files in the Preview html folder for creating pages. There is a 99% chance it is these pages causing the upload issues.

        EDIT: Might be a good idea to compact the database after you have cleaned up the pages and before you do an upload

        Located in Edinburgh UK


          Thanks Dave, I have checked every link in the offline preview and its really difficult because although the page name in the link in either the fragment or the URL is the simple bla.html or bla_bla.html, in the offline preview, every page gets a P_ put in front of it when you roll the mouse over and look in the target bar at the bottom of the window. EDIT... and every page works fine in the offline preview as well.

          What do you suggest about the pages i developed from the template, is that likely to be the conflict and is there a template anywhere i can use to create additional pages?


            You would really be better off to use Actinic brochure pages for these 'other' pages - especially as they are initially based on ones created by Actinic anyway.



              I think you need to learn a bit more about how Actinic works. Pages with "P_" (stored in the PreviewHTML folder) before them are only generated for offline previews and the links are generated so they work offline, if you upload these to a server the links will not work! You should never use these as templates for creating new pages. If you do want to use a template, use something from the SiteHTML folder, HOWEVER, and it's a big however, it would be far more sensible to create these pages within Actinic directly using brochure pages. V8 is more than capable of handling it and it really would be the easiest way to store them.

              Without more information on what you are trying to achieve/and what you have done, it's difficult to advise any further. Your best bet would be to do as support have suggested. Delete everything in PreviewHTML, SiteHTML and DesignPreviewHTML then make sure you delete all links within Actinic to any custom pages you have created. One you have done that try an upload and start again creating the custom pages, preferably using Actinic directly.

              It may be worth phoning support in the morning and advising them you have created pages in this manner, they will be able to give you all the advice you need once they know this.

              Located in Edinburgh UK



                Thanks Dave, i will try as you suggest and see if we can resolve it that way.

                Originally posted by drounding
                You would really be better off to use Actinic brochure pages for these 'other' pages - especially as they are initially based on ones created by Actinic anyway.
                Thanks Duncan, i always seem to be thinking in a logical tree structure so obviously, in order for a page to appear in a fragment in must be a twig on the branch of the tree, if you get my drift. I completely forgot that the URL could link back to a Brochure page in the higher tree structure.

                Do you think the HTML code in the files i created will be OK or should i just start from scratch?



                  Originally posted by BigRedKeith
                  Do you think the HTML code in the files i created will be OK or should i just start from scratch?
                  NO! This is what we have been saying, it is more than likely it is the code in these custom pages causing all the problems. Bin them and start again with brochure pages within Actinic.

                  Located in Edinburgh UK



                    Thanks Dave, got it.....will do



                      Quick update, managed to upload, deleted all the files that were developed with the template in question.

                      Will rebuild them from scratch and see what we get.

                      Thanks for the assistance guys, Really do appreciate it.

