I had a very quick look, it'a standard theme site so my comments are limited to your use of the theme:
1. Your site colours blue and orange could do with softening down I think.
2. Your checkout page where you enter the cc details (presumably for offline processing) is not secure - very import that if you intend to capture the cc details that you use SSL.
3. The bottom of page links are white on white.
4. The cart colours are not in keeping with the store.
To elucidate on what Paul said; any attempt to run Perl scripts (essential for Actinic to operate) are instead attempting to download the Perl file to the customers PC.
This could be because you've installed them into the wrong place (cgi-bin), they're not set as executable, or your server doesn't support user Perl scripts. Best check with your server people.
You (or your host) must have changed something since yesterday. I was able to add to cart and proceed to checkout earlier - ie the scripts were running at that time.
hi there just had a look at your site maybe you should re-think on the amount of products you have down the left hand coloum personaly i hate scrolling down when theres nothing to see on the main page,m but thats just my opinion i cant even get my site to work on V8