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Custom Variables not showing

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    Custom Variables not showing

    I have added some custom variables and a custom tab to my V8 site, but on some products the tab does not show up in the product properties and the variable does not show up even if I put the place of setting in one of the original tabs.
    The products that do not have the custom variable or tab show up are all products that were added at about the same time.
    I have been through the database to see if there are any differences between products that do work and those that don't and the only difference is that the nContentCategory field in the Product database is set to 2 on the ones that work and 0 on the ones that don't. I have tried the obvious of changing them all to 2 but it does not make them work.

    Any ideas?


    Change the variable to a different level of assignment, apply it and then close actinic. When you reopen, reassign it to the old level and see if that cures it. That works for me anyway.


      Thanks for the reply Lee,

      I have changed the variable group and then restarted Actinic, that didn't work, I have also changed the place of setting from product to site, this removed the variable from all of the products, then I restarted Actinic and changed place of setting to product again and got the same products that did not have the variable.

      When I add new products they have the variable ok, it is just these products that were added in at the beginning of this year, I have the same problem on 2 different sites.

      I did the following things around the time of the problem,
      Changed to Vista,
      Removed external linking(products were linked to MYSQL database)
      Upgraded to Actinic 8



        This sounds like a support issue. I would raise a support ticket and include all the things you mentioned.


          Thanks, I have now sent it off to support.



            Did you get anywhere?

            Hi Ian, I am having the same problem, and am wondering if you got anywhere in solving this problem.

            Thanks Jethro

  , the yacht and dinghy shop on the web



              This is quite an old thread so I'd expect most issues to be fixed by the various updates since then.

              What version are you running?

              You may also want to look at the Change Log in the forthcoming 8.5.2 release (see top of this forum).
              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                Hi Norman

                I'm running 8.5.1HERA, I had a similar problem a number of weeks ago, and supports response was to export the products and re-import them via csv.

                The problem seams to of re-appeared and I didn't want to have to go through the exporting and importing again.

                The release notes for 8.5.2 don't seam to suggest any fixes that will help.

                PS. This is the same was intending to work on back in March when I spoke to you, but have only got started back in October.

                Cheers Jethro

      , the yacht and dinghy shop on the web


                  Actinic 8.5.1HERA went to HFUA then to HIZA, so you're 2 releases out of date. The full chage log for HIZA may tell more. See the Actinic downloads page for that.
                  Norman -
                  Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

