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Confused by components and selections

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    Confused by components and selections

    Hello Everyone!

    I have been trying to set up a product which has 6 different size selections. There are 3 different prices varying on the size selected.

    I would like to know how I go about creating a size selection, which first off displays the full price for the item including VAT, and also includes a different product reference for all six sizes.

    I have a product set up for each size, which I have hidden from being viewed on the website.

    Created a new product with no price. Added a component called selection, with an attribute called size, then the 6 various size options.

    In component details - permutations I have linked it to the 6 hidden products, and associated the pricing. In the layout there doesn't appear to be an option to have the prices showing including vat, (the site is set to show all prices including vat, with a tax message saying so).

    As it stands right now, the price shows in the drop down menu not including vat, when I add to cart there are 2 seperate lines one for the new product I created to hold the component, and then another one showing the size selected and the correct referenence number for the product, but for some reason it shows no price at all!

    Thanks in advance to anyone who can help out!


    p.s has anyone else noticed anomalies with this message board today? I keep noticing posts coming to the top of the forums which I know were posted last week, and haven't been replied to in sometime, but they say they were posted today. I've been having problems with my IE so don't know if it's something to do with that.

    Hello Everyone!

    I have just uploaded the site toa temporary location.

    Warning before you click on the link the site has highly adult content! Nothing illegal though! :-D

    it's the bottom item that has the selections.

    Many thanks.



      Hi Cammy,

      you need to change the layout selector for the choice to show price inc VAT and it will over ride the parent setting. also change the layout in the shopping cart by de-selecting show seperate line in cart.



        Hiya Keith

        Thanks for replying but my problem is there is no option for including VAT it is all excluding, and also my price does not show up in the shopping cart :-(


          Originally posted by Cammy
          Hiya Keith

          Thanks for replying but my problem is there is no option for including VAT it is all excluding, and also my price does not show up in the shopping cart :-(
          Hi Cammy, neither did mine, until i tweeked around a little bit, have you checked in the business setings for the VAT settings in there? if no one else can assist you i will try and re-install Actinic and run you through the tweeks i went through to make it work. Wont be back infront of my comp till maybe weekend so hope someone can assist you before then.

          As i recall, my cart was showing no prices so i changed the option in the layout for either the cart its self or in the component or attribute to show prices inc VAT. never had the problem that VAT was not available as a layout choice so you may want to check your business settings and web site options to see what they are set to.

          Sorry i cant be much more helpful but operating from memory and only used the program for 30 days so far.


            Thanks for replying but the while site is set to show prices including VAT with a message stating so.


              OK, well, as i say, if its not sorted out by the time i get back i will go through my tweeks with you and see what we can do. Please bear in mind though that i am a complete novis here looking to develop my own site, not a developer or web site builder like most on here. But i will do what i can.




                You will first have to create products for the choices and then hide them. now you will have to set up a component with an attribute and choices. On the 'Permutations' tab of the component, click 'Fill List' and then associate each choice to the hidden product.

                For the VAT inclusive prices to be included on the permutation display look at, post #9 is what you are after, this is also in the Advanced Users Guide (Page 45). You can then check the Advanced Users Guide for 'Variable Qualifiers' on page 87, check the following which is at the end of that article...
                Finally, you can enter almost any product variable into a permutation layout with the variable qualifier of 'AssociatedProduct' and the details of the associated product will be shown in the permutation layout. For example:
                <actinic:variable name="AssociatedProduct::ProductName" />
                ... will insert the name of the associated product into the permutation layout.
                try ProductID for the associated products reference number..

                Kind regards,
                Bruce King

