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Extended info preview problem

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    Extended info preview problem

    Hi All

    Have found a few threads which touch on this but none seem to help so all wisdom gratefuly received. I am almost finished a site overhaul and have changed the layout quite substantialy. Within Actinic everything is working fine and when I generate a preview of the extended info pages (opening in same window) by clicking on the preview button within the Product details tab everything is also fine.

    However, when i do a full site preview the extended info pages are all over the place, but strangely they are often different. Some are using a full-screen width, others are using the correct page width but with one of the old columns displaying, some use the new company logo and others are using the old one, etc, etc.

    I am at a loss having gone through every setting I can think of on each page, within site settings and I have even re-created new layout templates from scratch. I have even emptied the SiteHTML folder but that hasn't helped. Is this a known issue that site preview doesn't display ext. info pages well?

    At a loss. Rob


    Ok figured it out and pretty simple - maybe it will be of use for soemone else.

    In the Extended Information Links layout I had deleted the following code somehow;

    <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsPopUpPageGenerated%22%20%2f%3e">
    <actinic:variable name="ExtendedInfoPageDesign"/>

    Back in and all sorted.

