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Uploading site via FTP changes to HTTP?

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    Uploading site via FTP changes to HTTP?

    Hi. I have been left completely stuck with this problem. It appears the Actinic support team don't particularly want to know about it as they keep avoiding answering my question.

    When I 'Update Website' - it begins the slow and painful process, about half way through of 'purging files', an error message appears saying something to the effect of it has to change to uploading via HTTP, not FTP as it is currently doing. Grudgingly accepting that the problem won't go away, I click ok. The uploading process grinds to a halt, before eventually giving a 'timed out' error.

    Why is it doing this? I am using Actinic Business v8.

    Thank you

    That's a bit like saying why don't I like gorganzola, I like white bread.

    To discover why the connection from your desktop/laptop to your website is falling over, you'll have to tell us a few of the variables.

    Who is the website host and where is the server physically located?
    Who is your ISP (the people who provide the link from your home/office to the Internet?
    What connection bandwidth is available to you, and how is it shared?
    What make/model of modem/router do you use to make the connection between your PC and the phone line?
    Are you connected at the master point for the building (in relation to the telephone number you are using, if more than one)?
    Do you have the correct type and quantity of filters/splitters installed on all extensions of that telephone line?
    Are you using less than or equal to the maximum number of extensions allowed (even with filters) on a data line (usually 4)?

    99.999% certain not to be a Actinic problem.
    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


      Hi there. I am also having another couple of problems surrounding forms in Actinic.

      Our site has a Search form embedded, with the following code:

      <form name="simplesearch" action=
      "" method=
      We have also embedded a Google search into it, using a form as well. When doing a site refresh in Actinic, it stops, siteing the problem to be the code below. Fundamentally there shouldn't be a problem, but Actinic treats it as a problem. I've ruled out the 'target' method being at fault, so I am stuck for answers now. Any ideas why this piece of code fails?

      <form method="get" action="" target=
      "_top" name="google">

      PS: The networking problem was because 'passive ftp' wasn't checked in network settings, so it is now uploading as normal again

      Thank you


        Do you generally post half the problem and telepathically send the rest? cos you're vaguer than a vague person living in a vague city on a vague night.

        Fail in terms of what, any error message? Is it about nested form tags per chance? Remember, that we have absolutely no idea who you are and more importantly what the hell you have done to your site. We need to know everything to help you, otherwise it's just pot luck and often much wasted time for both you and us.


          Where is the closing tag for the first form in relation to the opening tag for the second. Forms cannot be nested.

          <form 1>
          </form> <!-- close form 1 -->
          <form 2>
          </form> <!-- close form 2 -->

          <form 1>
          <form 2>
          does not.

          Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
          BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
          Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
          VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
          Located: Alexandria, EGYPT

