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Edit Best Seller links

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    Edit Best Seller links

    Hi all, I need to know how to edit the links on the left hand side of the best seller theme. I want to be able to get rid of the list that shows every link in the shop and just have it display the catagory only with the view ccart and stuff remain where it is. see attachment.
    Attached Files

    Welcome to the Community.

    Thanks for providing an image of your issue, as it helps alot.

    To me the image shows that you are talking about the normal left hand navigation - not bestseller list.

    Go and get yourself the Advanced user guide (download it from Actinic download pages) and read about al lthe different types of navigation. in my AUG it starts at page 45 ish Including Section Lists with Javascript


      Hi thanks for the reply.. I had a look at the advanced user guide and cant seem to fin anything about removing those products from the left handside.. All i want is for example

      Catagory 1
      Catagory 2
      Catagory 3


      Catagory 1
      Product 1
      product 2

      Catorgoty 2

      etc etc you get the idea..

      There must be a simple way of doing this without boging myself down with code. any help!!!!


        Even better i would like to have

        Home Page
        Store Top Login

        and nothing else!!! because you can browse the products in the main window


          If that is all you want, then remove the standard navigation and hard code (put them in yourself) links where you want them. Seize control as they say. All done with <a> tags and actinic will even help you form the tags in the correct manner if you go into the design tab.


            IMO - you should always have some type on left hand nav as site visitors expect to see one - there is always benefit in laying out a store according to convention - this will make your site more intuitive to visitors - hence they will buy.

            Make it difficult by having a layout that requires a vistor to think and they will go elsewhere

            there is a left hand nav that will list top sections only called Creating a Bulleted List containing the Top-Level Sections in AUG.

            use this, or as lee says remove the nav completely

