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Search results without product's link

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    Solved !!!!!!!!!

    Settings --> Search settings ---> results tab ---> I had unselected Name(Short Description).

    When selected it back and unselected again I got the following message:

    "Warning: If the product name is not dispaleyd in the search results, the hyperlink to the product will be replaced with the text "CLICK HERE" [it didn't]. To change the link text, see the Design | Text | Advanced: Lenguage | Searching tab, and select the prompt with phase: -1 and ID:278.
    To assign the hyperlink to a different product attribute (e.g. description), edit the search results template and move the link markup. "

    Basically I've selected it back and that's it, tomorrow I'll try editing the search results template and see what happens.

    Many many thanks to all of you for your help, I am very impressed with your response times.

    Thanks again,
    Adrià Garreta
    IT manager
    Real Foods Ltd

