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Firefox Header Layout

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    Firefox Header Layout

    Hi there,

    just playing around with FF checking that everything works OK. Which it does.
    However there is a annoying issue with the header layout in FF.
    In IE the company logo and background colour works fine. But in FF there is no background colour and the "colour bar" that the CSS buttons sit on in IE is half way up the header. I'm using Exective in 8.5.1

    Easiest way to see what I mean is to go to my homepage in FF and IE and you'll see what I mean.

    Any ideas?

    Matthew Wildeman
    2XL to 8XL Menswear

    Install the web developer add-on in FF Matt and you can then decipher the styles being applied. I just had a quick look for you, but you have so much going on in that area, it's too much messing around without it in front of me.


      Installed web developer add on

      installed the web dev. addon in FF.
      Now what exactly am I looking for? As you said there is a lot going on there and I'm not sure exactly where I should be looking.

      Any advice?

      Matthew Wildeman
      2XL to 8XL Menswear


        I think you may have some css inheritance issues. I'm no css expert but this may help you on your way.

        The toolbar Lee mentioned will help you. But another way is to use the Firebug add-in and then select Inspect and hover over your page. You will see the style applied and the inherited styles.

        What 'may' not be helping is that in your case you will see that you have a background colour of #0099FF in page_menu but also have colour of #000066 in the body.


          Nice one Duncan, never used that part before. I'm always torn between which add-on is best. Pees me off expanding the code in the developer toolbar. Firebug it is.

          Matt you have 5 things all jumbled up and mixed together, when one could do it all for you. Backup before you start and remove some code to streamline things, will make your life much easier (and ours trying to help you)


            I think it's because of the .page_header_logo_container class. You've set it to float: left which will stop the containing div's from expanding automatically. I don't think you even need to set the float property there.

            Like Lee said, you have a lot of unnecessary tags so it might be an idea to optimise it a bit.

