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Price on ext info pages

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    Price on ext info pages

    i have taken the plunge and i am trying to upgrade to v8

    we are trying to sort out some issues with the extended info page.

    the current one is that the price will not appear

    i have inserted two different variables in there but they are not working

    can someone tell me where i've gonne wrong


    the only thing we can think off is that the price is before the product refence variable

    That is a V7 site but you're posting about in the V8 Forum. Best post in V7 if you want V7 specific help.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Originally posted by NormanRouxel
      That is a V7 site but you're posting about in the V8 Forum. Best post in V7 if you want V7 specific help.
      He's stated he's upgrading and provided a link to a test site?


        guys dont worry

        i have done further work and is better now

        i will ask about something else in a mo if i cannot sort it


          one thing now

          i have fixed the extended info page

          BUT the return to previous on the bottom does not work and it takes me to main page

          can anyone tell me wtf is happening with it


            also the search does not work. it displays the main page although the url looks ok

            any help will be appreaciated


              There are a whole host of problems associated with using the ext info page as a product page. Do a search and you will see that IMO it is a mistake to use them as product pages.



                i know about the seo drawbacks.

                however we cannot see any other way at the moment. we already have over 600 products in the catalog and by end of year i expec to reach 1000


                  i know about the seo drawbacks
                  Then IMO you are dooming your site to poor rankings. I never use the ext info so cannot help solve your problem sorry.


                    Hi Malc

                    i understand what you are saying. however i think its too big job for us to do it at the moment.

                    we are trying to upgrade to V8 and also finish off some changes that we need.

                    after that at some point we will look into moving to product per page (i think its kinda of impossible for us but we will investigate it first)


                      at last i sorted it

                      changed the return url and its fine now. hurray!!!!

