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2 seperate computers doing design on one site

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    2 seperate computers doing design on one site

    Is it possible to have 2 different computers uploading data to the same Actinic website?

    EG: one machine doing all the donkey work stuffing product up without pricing (because it is not avalable at that time) and the other machine at a different location adding pricing & delivery etc. as & when it is available...

    My gut feeling is that it is not possible because of data syncronising problems & one machine uploading can/will overwrite what the other machine has done.

    Is there a way?
    Today is the tomorrow that I worried about yesterday.
    So far, all is well. Am I still worried? YES! Watch some b.....d mess it up!

    Your gut was right. You would have to pass snapshots between machines - which would mean the whole site would have to be uploaded on receipt.

    You could however create an Excel file ready to import and pass that along - import it when all data is available (or modofied) and upload - using the same machine to upload each time.


      Thanks Duncan - That was my assumption but not sure if there was a way...
      Today is the tomorrow that I worried about yesterday.
      So far, all is well. Am I still worried? YES! Watch some b.....d mess it up!


        Originally posted by Donald Gray
        Is it possible to have 2 different computers uploading data to the same Actinic website?

        EG: one machine doing all the donkey work stuffing product up without pricing (because it is not avalable at that time) and the other machine at a different location adding pricing & delivery etc. as & when it is available...

        My gut feeling is that it is not possible because of data syncronising problems & one machine uploading can/will overwrite what the other machine has done.

        Is there a way?
        We've accomplished it, in a manner of speaking. What we've had to do is delete all products from Copy #2 once they've been exported to Copy #1. That way, Copy #2 isn't overwriting anything because every export only contains data that Copy #1 doesn't have yet.

        ...if that makes sense. It's created a whole different category of headaches for us, since the data don't seem to match up quite right. We have to do a bit of wrangling the actual raw exported data, but it's working out fairly well right now.

