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Remove product from site - stock levels

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    Remove product from site - stock levels

    Hi all,

    I've done an extensive search for this, but can't find an answer. I'm not even sure if it's possible, but I'm sure I remember seeing it somewhere.

    Is it possible to automatically remove a product when below a certain stock level (without manually removing in Actinic).

    Thanks for any help in advance,
    Simon Williams
    Actinic Designer v.

    you can use a blockif (had to check I was in V8 forum then ) to prevent products from appearing if their stock is below a certain level, yes...but you'd need it to be a site-wide stock level really..... unless you have a lot of different layouts in use, I suppose.
    I've looked into (and achieved) this although I don't actually use the method on site.
    It is possible to do it...I suppose what most people would ask is 'why?'


      Hi Tracy,

      Thanks for that reply.

      The site is selling single tickets (and the qty will always be 1) that once purchased need to be removed so they cannot be bought twice.

      Only 40 or so tickets will be available for each 'event', and the site stock will be refreshed for future events. Each ticket is individual to the purchaser, and specific information is required before the purchase -- if you see what I mean(!).

      Can you point me to where you were reading about this? It would be a great help if you have the time.

      Simon Williams
      Actinic Designer v.


        Hi Tracy,

        I think I've found some information on this thread:

        I'll have a look into this.

        Thanks for your help,

        BTW., I like your avatar!
        Simon Williams
        Actinic Designer v.


          hmmm...that's not how I did it but it great!

          I think (because it's a while ago now!) that I placed a blockif around the product layout...or possibly the list...or possibly the contents of the layout LOL

          I'm not sure..but it's definitely possible to use a blockif to get it to hide out of stock items completely by using the stocklevel variable in the blockif.

          Not much help really LOL
          I can't try it out because I'm uploading

