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exporting sections only

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    exporting sections only

    hi forgive me if ive missed this in a search

    i have "tested" some new sections on a laptop, but i now want to take these new sections and put them on the main site aswell

    is there an easy way i could transfer them?

    Remembering the road to Actinic enlightenment is a long and sometimes painful one.
    Current project:
    Something for the Missus,Something for the Weekend

    Well hopefully you are setting them up via either a flat file import or hierarchical import, so you just take those files over to the new place. If not, then you are looking at doing a hierarchical export from the test place, removing everything but the new stuff and then appending that to where you want it to go.

    Get yourself used to adding products to your site via flat file import, the best method by a mile IMO. Hierarchicals can be so problematic at times, especially with the fragment problems which actinic still apparently refuses to acknowledge.


      i cant do that as i have a multi image patch from norm, and the folks at actinic says it cant cope with more than i think it was 128 user definables ;(

      cheers for the thought

      back to the drawing board i think
      Remembering the road to Actinic enlightenment is a long and sometimes painful one.
      Current project:
      Something for the Missus,Something for the Weekend


        Hmmm buggered then it would seem, why are you testing on a different system if this is the case? You could easily work on the live site and just hide the in progress sections.

        There is a database option available to you, but you have to know what you are doing to go in there. It all depends on the numbers you are talking about really. If so many, you may be forced to do something clever with the underlying databases.


          ive gto 2 sites im playing with one more risque than the other, but some products i want on both sites

          as you say i think i may have to go down the database route

          reguarding numbers so far ive only input a dozen or so, but eventually it will be more, im just testing the waters to see what is possible

          before i call in the proffesionals

          i thought the partial snapshot export option would do it? or have i totally misunderstood the purpose of this?
          im going to try it see where i get with it

          wish me luck
          Remembering the road to Actinic enlightenment is a long and sometimes painful one.
          Current project:

          Something for the Missus,Something for the Weekend


            The partial snapshot doesn't give you the option to select which sections, it's more of a designer used option, but having said that few of us use it as it has flaws and doesn't do what we want it to anyway. I am pretty sure v9 is going to address this area of weakness.

            If you can't flat file, hierarchicals haven't got enough fields, it is databases for you, start with the demo site on a different system and try adding products via the database for starters.

            Good luck.


              cheers for trying i think to play the database game requires sleep and a fresh head

              think this export section only maybe one for the wish list

              cheers fella
              Remembering the road to Actinic enlightenment is a long and sometimes painful one.
              Current project:
              Something for the Missus,Something for the Weekend


                cant do that as i have a multi image patch from norm, and the folks at actinic says it cant cope with more than i think it was 128 user definables ;(
                That patch doesn't use anything like that number. About 50 in all.

                Another method, if you have multi-site capability, would be to license a new temporary site on the main system and import a Snapshot of the laptop site into it. Now you could open the ex-laptop site and copy the Sections to the clipboard. Finally switch to the main site and paste them in.
                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                  hi ill try your method in a minute

                  here was the reply from support a good while ago


                  Sorry for the delay in getting back, it has taken a while to dig this one out, having said that it is not good news.

                  The problem is due to a bug in the export wizard, the maximum number of fields allowed for export per product is 128, in version 8 all of the 'User Defined Properties' are added to the import at the end.
                  If there are a number of UDPs (User Defined Properties) it has the unfortunate side effect of taking the number of fields to export over 128 and failing.

                  Unfortunately, there is no workaround for this except to reduce the number of product UDPs, (the biggest user of UDPs in your site is the 'ExtraImages'
                  The export will only work if the number of UDPs is reduced.

                  We are pushing to get this changed for the next maintenance release (v8.5.2) although it cannot be guaranteed.

                  Kind Regards,
                  Actinic Software Support
                  Remembering the road to Actinic enlightenment is a long and sometimes painful one.
                  Current project:
                  Something for the Missus,Something for the Weekend

