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Microsoft Run Time Error

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    Microsoft Run Time Error

    Hi ,

    I got this error message yesterday as well as today ,and the actinic program closes down on pressing the ok button.

    Run Time Error:

    C:\program files\actinic v8\catalog.exe not found
    this appliation has reuested the runtime error to terminate it in an unusual way.please contact the application's support team for more inforamtion.

    this error occured when I tried doing changes for product component which had a number of duplicates.

    As of today i am getting the same error, could anyone please guide me on this issue?

    Many Thanks
    Attached Files

    Originally posted by shaloy
    please contact the application's support team for more inforamtion
    I'd do the above as they suggest, sounds like a serious one. You get 30 days support when you first buy the software, give them a ring to see if they can help.


      But I have been doing changes from the morning I did not get this error at all.

      Is it actually possible for me to contact any person of the actinic team through this community ?


        huh? If you are still experiencing this problem, then phone support as the error message tells you to. If not and it has gone away, carry on as normal.

        You should ring the support number like everybody else does.


          Is it actually possible for me to contact any person of the actinic team through this community ?
          It isn't the preferred method.

          This is an actinic user community. Actinic have staff memebers who pop in and often pick up on questions that have been left unanswered for a few days. But if you need support from Actinic you must contact them directly.

          If you have cover - phone them
          if you are within your first 30 days - phone them
          otherwise contact them via their free email service


            Alrite i guess i do not have tha 30 day cover let me see and do it asap.

