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Pick list report

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    Pick list report

    Don't know if this is possible but what I need is to be able to highlight selected orders within actinic v8 and then run a report which tells me how many of each item I need.

    for eample

    product A - 12
    product b - 32
    product c - 44
    product d - 655

    This is so that when orders come in instead of having to pick each order individually we can pick all the stock required to process x number of orders and just sort the goods out into individual order when we are ready to dispatch.

    I have crystal report v8.5 but not sure on how to do this

    I did think about doing a work around with acess but the products for each order are all contained within 1 field in 1 record.

    If the were 1 record per product then I know it's easy to do but It's beyond by abilities the way actinic does it

    Any help would be appreciated

    David Mawson
    Phoenix Trading - Wholesale confectionery suppliers

    There is know way of doing this, you will need to probably have to get someone to write something to get the data from the database



      Closest supplied report you'll get to this I think may be the Order Processing - Outstanding Product report.


        did look at that report but it is to detailed all I need is a simple list of the total number of each item over x number of orders.

        I assume that this is something that can be done with crystal reports but now knowledge of it is limited.
        David Mawson
        Phoenix Trading - Wholesale confectionery suppliers


          me too!

          I've asked about this before as this is all I want too. The current reports set up aren't really much good as "picking lists" at all


            Also when I run the outstanding product report it displays products outstanding for all records not just the ones highlighted.

            Can this be changed so that it only shows the products on the orders highlighted
            David Mawson
            Phoenix Trading

   - Wholesale confectionery suppliers


              just tried to get use my custom packing list that I have just created by replacing the outstanding packing list one.

              I now get this error

              Error in File C:\Program Files\Actinic v8\OutstandingProducts.rpt:
              Error in formula <Record_Selection>.
              '{OrderDetail.QuantityOrdered} <> 0 AND Not IsNull({OrderDetail.ProductReference}) AND {Orders.bOrderIsDeleted} = false and {Orders.Status} = 'N' and {Orders.nBomStatus} = 0 and {Orders.bLockedForReport} = true and {Orders.nPaymentStatus} <> 0 and {Orders.nPaymentStatus} <> 5'
              This field name is not known.

              Actinic must run a query before the report is run

              Does anyone know how to edit the query or just to add my own report to the reports list

              If I do get this to work I will post a copy of the report budget bumps
              David Mawson
              Phoenix Trading

     - Wholesale confectionery suppliers


                To add in your own reports take a look at these two posts:


                  Attached is a quick (rough and ready) modification that might be useful. It just lists the totals of products outstanding - a brief version of the original.
                  Backup your original and copy this into the same directory overwriting the original. V8 only. Use at your own risk.
                  Attached Files


                    Hi Duncan,

                    Thanks for that but it's no good for me without the product references in.
                    Maybe a decent picking list should be added to the wishlist (although I'm sure I've done so before)


                      Updated above to include product reference.


                        oooh Duncan, that's great!

                        There's a confusing "quirk" that the outstanding products list has, mind you and that's that it lists main products AND purchased associated products independantly, effectively listing the item twice

                        EG. I have an item available in 4 sizes. Site is set up as main product with 4 choices (associated products), no orderline for main product so orders/invoices only show associated product name/price etc

                        But the Outstanding Products report always lists the main productline AND and associated product line which has always seemed kinda weird to me!

                        It isn't a showstopper. I just need to go through the report crossing out the main product listings and I'll certainly be able to use this report from now on which I never have been able to before.
                        It will save me a LOT of time compared to juggling packing lists!

                        Thanks, Duncan



                          Thanks for this works a treat

                          one little point though I notice that it shows a sum for all products that have not been shipped but can it be tweaked to only display the number of products in selected (highlighted) orders ?

                          Great workaround though
                          David Mawson
                          Phoenix Trading

                 - Wholesale confectionery suppliers

