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Override layout selection?

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    Override layout selection?

    OK so I have products with various permuations available, my colleague recently purchased a new Dynamic component layout from Norman and I want to apply the new component layout to all the products on my site.

    Some are currently set as "Component Layout with Attributes and Price Grid" and others "Component Layout with Selectable Permutations". Is there any way to change ALL of them to the new "Component Layout With Attributes And Dynamic Price Calculation" or do I have to go through each product seperately and change the component layout?

    Thanks for your time,
    Undergraduate in Product Design - Loughborough University

    Scott, you need to get a firm grasp on 'parent' settings and what this means. You can set what all components should use in site options and that will cascade down the store on every combination, where 'use parent' is in place. BUT, everywhere that you have gone into a product and manually changed it, will not update as you have removed the standard hierarchy. So put all options back to 'use parent' and then change the global site setting.

    You should always have your most common layout on the site settings and then ONLY override when you want something different. It sounds on the surface that you are not using the software to make things the easiest for you.

    To change component layout if standard across the store is literally a 5 second job, if you haven't removed the hierarchy.


      Originally posted by leehack
      It sounds on the surface that you are not using the software to make things the easiest for you.
      Oh I see, no clearly I am not! Thank you very much, I was baffled when I set a "parent" section layout that it didn't alter all the products within it but obviously I was misunderstanding how the whole parent relationship works. Thank you for the information, time to standardise everything now I think...well at least if I ever have to change all the layouts some other time it will be quick hey

      Thank you for your time,
      Undergraduate in Product Design - Loughborough University


        My pleasure and good luck, remember a parent setting looks up a level and then that level looks up a level to its parent etc. so if they all use parent setting, they all effectively look up to and use the main site setting.

