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emulating teapot

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    emulating teapot

    I can see from my evaluation copy's teapot (which comes in two sizes, different prices) that it can be done, but I'm hanged if I can see how.

    In my case it's sheet music. 3-way choice, parts only, score only, parts and score.

    If anyone can tell this simpleton how to do that, the next issue will be radio buttons. I experimented with the teapot, asking for radio buttons instead of drop-down, but the drop-down remained so there must be something else.

    Have you tried changing the component layout?.


      Your product is different from the teapot in as far as with the teapot example everyone buys the core product ie a teapot.

      with your example there is no core.

      there several ways to do this - none are very elegant - but here's one idea but it does require one product per page

      create a fragment for product description
      use a compact layout for 2 products

      use add selection to basket for addto cart type


        Ms Peblaco, I got the teapot result the way you said! (Should have gone in with a ball of string, but never mind). I now have a 3-way drop-down with the price of each choice in brackets. I did manage to get radio buttons but at that point the prices disappeared. Never mind. Not sure I want radio buttons anyway, just wanted to see what it looked like.

        I won't be using stock monitoring and I can't see that I would want different stock codes as long as I get told the customer's choice. Does it affect the issue?

        Pinbrook, I'm not sure I follow what you were saying. My product is (in this case) Georg Muffat's Florilegium Primum (just as the teapot is teapot). My customers can choose to play the music, or to think about it, or both (just as the tea drinkers can choose a tea party or a binge). It looks to me as if the teapot model will work for me.


          3-way choice, parts only, score only, parts and score.
          this is what i picked up on - it there are core that everyone buys?

          you say the product is Georg Muffat's Florilegium Primum - but what is that?

          is it Georg Muffat's Florilegium Primum parts and Georg Muffat's Florilegium Primum score


            John to stock monitor goods, you need to create a hidden product for each item and then associate these hidden products into the drop down list. This then links directly to your stock, rather than what you type in etc. If you search on term 'hidden stock' you will find about 3 days worth of reading on how it is done and the idea behind it.

            I would just like to add that for the first time in at least 18 months, i am reading about someone actually using the actinic examples to try and learn and see how things work - that's a refreshing change.


              Pinbrook, Florilegium Primum (as a "Product" priced at 0.00) is an abstraction, just the name of a musical work. It only becomes a product as the layman understands it when printed on paper, either as a complete score or as individual parts for the players. Hence I obviously couldn't use the model of selling "Florilegium Primum" as a product and letting customers pay extra if they actually want to have it (a la shoes with insoles).

              In that I guess it's analagous to the teapot, which is also an abstraction priced at zero. Only the 3- and 5-cup choices are actually purchasable.

              I'm relieved to see that not needing stock monitoring lets me out of some hassle. I think that's the first choice I've ever made of which that could be said.


                Originally posted by john harding
                I'm relieved to see that not needing stock monitoring lets me out of some hassle.
                you've no idea how much of an understatement that actually is, John LOL

                good luck with the store... when you're done, let us a musician, I'm easily tempted to buy


                  Florilegium Primum (as a "Product" priced at 0.00) is an abstraction
                  And thats the issue..

                  Take the teapot

                  everyone buys a teapot, you then offer 2 choices size and colour - again everyone HAS TO CHOOSE BOTH


                  you can't buy a red teapot without choosing if its small or large

                  in your example you want to offer an abstraction with an either /or / both choice


                    Originally posted by budgetbumps
           a musician, I'm easily tempted to buy
                    Pat-a-cake doesn't count, even i can sing that.


                      Originally posted by leehack
                      Pat-a-cake doesn't count, even i can sing that.
                      cheeky sod
                      be nice


                        Originally posted by budgetbumps
                        I googled it, couldn't see what it meant?


                          Originally posted by leehack
                          I googled it, couldn't see what it meant?
                          you probably won't find it on a forum search either


                            Having had luck with Florilegium Primum I tried doing the same with Florilegium Secundum. One snag. In Permutation Properties on the Component dialogue Primum (which works) has the Retail Price Layout as "Use Parent = basic price in brackets". That gives me the price of each of my three alternatives in brackets.

                            With Secundum, "Use Parent = basic price in brackets" is not available in the list of layouts. The near is "Basic price in brackets". Using that puts plus signs in front of the second and third choices, which is wrong. Can't see any other difference in the settings, though I imagine there must be one somewhere.


                              Also, I noticed that in the Product column of the Permutations tab of the Component dialogue, "none" selected itself. Can anyone tell me what that means?

                              Changing it to the name of the work I'm selling doesn't seem to change the way it displays. This is worse than doing bowings and fingerings.

