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Linking to a logged-in-only page

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    Linking to a logged-in-only page

    We have a site here which is solely for our existing 1,200+ trade customers (all of whom have been set up in Actinic, and have been mailed their usernames and passwords).

    We have used PriceStructures to ensure that visitors who are not logged in cannot place orders, and to allow a "guest" user to browse the range but without seeing prices.

    We now wish to start emailing them a monthly newsletter of special offers, new products, etc. - with links from the email to the sections of the site that contain each specific special offer or new product.

    Is there a way of writing a hyperlink to those section pages that somehow embeds the customer's username and password so that they are immediately logged in and able to view their own prices and place orders?


    I am checking this for you. I remember coming across it on the forum some time ago but cannot find it now !! Will post back shortly.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King



      Apologies for not getting back to you on this earlier. I did not find the link to this issue and on further investigation have found that it will not be possible to do. I will have to add this to the wish list for you.

      Kind regards,
      Bruce King

