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Different Sections in Different Parts of the Page

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    Different Sections in Different Parts of the Page


    I am new to Actinic and I am working my way through the Advanced user guide. I am trying to create 2 seperate product lists in the sidebar using the instructions on page 63/64. I have created the new variable 'WhichSectionList' but I dont know where to paste the code for list 1 and list 2 in the design, can anyone help?


    You can place them anywhere in the design where you would like the section lists to appear. I can't really help without knowing what theme you are using and what you are trying to achieve.

    Best is to backup and then try placing the code in different places - you'll get an idea of where's where.




      I have tried and I end up with the words List1 or List2 in the side bar and not a section list.

      I am using the smart theme and I am trying to have 2 seperate section lists for 2 distinct product types 'boards & skates' and 'Dive Shop'.

      any advise would be very welcome.

      Yes I know my logo is poor!

      Thanks again



        First of all make absolutely sure that the two choices configured in the variable are exactly 'List 1' or 'List 2' otherwise the code you have pasted from the AUG will not work.

        Then first off try the left sidebar - select the code in the design view for the Smart Left Sidebar and then place your 'List 1' selector code there. Then for the RHS in the Smart Right Bar place your 'List 2' selector code.

        Also make sure that you have selected the different variable choices for the sections appropriate to the sections on the left and right.

        EDIT: To help locate the exact place in the sidebar look for 'Javascript Section List in a Box' then replace the lines:

        <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

        with the code from the AUG.



          Thanks for that, I now have seperate lists, one on the left and one on the right, however they are just lists. Is it a whole new job to format the list as the standard Top Level Section List, or as the Store Sections in the Smart theme, and have them both on the left?

          Again any advice would be welcome.



            Not sure if this might help you.
            This is the origin of the AUG pages 63/64 and is very slightly different - it shows how to set one list as italic and one standard for example by placing formatting around the SectionName - other formatting could be done in a similar way. (Be aware that the choices are different in this example)



              Thanks for the edit, I now have list 1 sorted, but I dont seem to be able to figure out how to create list 2 in the same way. Is there an easy way to copt the Java section list in a box, but with the list 2 script?

              Again thanks for all your help



                Thanks for all your help


                I solved the problem by inserting a new 'custom sidebar box then relacing the code with that of the 'Javascript section list in a box then changing the list 1 code to the list 2 code. Then tidy up by renaming the boxes.

                Thanks again


                I just need to make the site look better graphicly now...


