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Landing page

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    Landing page

    And for my last question of today........

    My site is being indexed by google but when I click on the link, it only takes me to the main website page and not the product that is shown on the google link.. if that makes sense.
    I believe its called the landing page...
    What do I need to do, so that I will link to the relevant product rather than the main website page.

    Happy Landings

    I don't know how familiar you are with HTML and URLs (if I've already lost you then you may have some problems). Anyway, Google has indexed your site and that's OK but as with anything automated it is limited to a greater or lesser extent.

    You need to change the generic link to your home page to a more specific link to each product. This means going into Google Adwords and replacing the generic URL link for each ad with a specific link to the product advertised in each ad. I'm assuming you know how to find this in Google Adwords.

    The product specific URL link will basically be

    The #theproductnumber is an anchor that will link directly to the product in question using the Actinic Catalogue number for the product in question. The easiest way to get the product psecific URL link is as follows (it looks more long winded than it is):

    1. go to your site
    2. search your site for the product you want a link for
    3. click the link to the product in the search results page
    4. look at the URL for the page you're on - it will probably be a long one and right at the very end you'll have something like #a234 - copy this number
    5. now browse your site (don't use the search) to the page that the product in question is on, the URL for the page should end .html - paste the #a234 on the end of the URL and press return.
    6. If you've got the whole thing right you should now be looking at the product you want the link for - if so the URL in the address bar is the product specific link you need to use in Google - you can just copy and paste it into Google
    ... if not, you've gone wrong somewhere along the line


      Ah ! Manual intervention.....
      Ok thanks for that.

      Didnt quite understand WHY it was happening as we have another site which uses and google's index points to a specific product on the site, and I dont recall having to do anything manually to make that happen.



        Landing Page

        As far as I'm aware, yes - sorry if that was a bit of lesson in egg sucking - it's always hard to guess someone's technical knowledge.


          Not a problem at all.
          I'm just wondering WHY i'm drawn to Actinic when it appears sometimes incapable of doing things that other packages do without any effort at all !
          Maybe there's some sort of subliminal "You WILL love this product" advertising on the Actinic site haha !

          Cheers again


            In time if your content is good enough and your site design is good enough then google will list all your pages. Make sure you inlcude a link to your sitemap on every page, especially your domain homepage.


              This means going into Google Adwords and replacing the generic URL link for each ad with a specific link to the product
              I think the question is refering to organic results rather than adwords - changing adwords will have no effect on your organic listings.

              If you post the search term you are using and a url then perhaps we can see what is happening.


                Sorry for the delay in replying.
                Yes thats exactly it.
                I dont use adwords at all, so that wont make any difference.
                The problem is simply all google links for my products just point to my home page rather than to that specific product.

                Not sure how I should address this problem though.
                I was using smart theme but have recently changed to executive.
                Not sure if that would have/will make any difference though.




                  For anyone to give you any meaningful advice we are going to have to have a link to your site.

                  Located in Edinburgh UK



                    If you post the search term you are using and a url then perhaps we can see what is happening.
                    I asked for this the other day - if you dont give it then you will not get any help from me.


                      OOO Sorry if I've upset you. I've been away for a while and am away again tomorrow.
                      I've got an offer from someone to look into the problem, so thought I'd let them try and sort it first, before asking the forum for help again.
                      A bit of a strange reaction from you though i must admit and it will make me think twice about asking for help again !.

                      Peace !


                        Nigel, what the other members of the forum are saying is that in order to give you any (FREE) meaningful advice about optimisation/landing page indexing of your site they need to see the content, links, HTML etc of your site before commenting.

                        Your request is akin to calling a mechanic, then only telling him your car isn't working properly, then asking him what's wrong, how to fix it and the cost.
                        Your mechanic needs to see the car, know the make/model and have a more detailed understanding of the nature of the problem before he can answer your questions.

                        To say "it will make me think twice about asking for help again !." is a bit churlish tbh.
                        Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
                        Ecommerce Digital Marketing

                        SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

                        SellerDeck Hosting
                        SellerDeck Digital Marketing



                          Irrespective of wording, all that has been said is that we would need to see a URL before we can offer any advice.

                          You have to help us help you!

                          Located in Edinburgh UK



                            A bit of a strange reaction from you though
                            As has already been said what do you expect us to do without you even letting us see the site - unbelievable

                            Please do think twice about asking for help if you expect us to be telepathic


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