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Attribute Layout

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    Attribute Layout

    Firstly, I have read the manuals and done on a search on the forum but could nto find the specific information on this one.

    How do I go about having my attributes and their drop down boxes side-by-side instead of in a column as is the default? Im looking to have three attributes side by side.

    thanks in advance
    Very much a beginner


    "Attribute column count"

    I'm not sure where it's set as "place of setting" by default but I add "product" so it can be set for each product as well as "site" for a site-wide effect

    with "product" checked as a "place of setting" then go to the "layout" tab for the product and look out for "column count for attributes" and set as needed

    layout tweaking might be needed to accomodate attribute description, if you use it (I don't) but see how that goes


      Thanks Tracey, a great help as always
      Very much a beginner


        Originally posted by budgetbumps
        with "product" checked as a "place of setting" then go to the "layout" tab for the product and look out for "column count for attributes" and set as needed
        I am having trouble with this bit, can't find what you are referring to
        Very much a beginner



          Click the product then look in Product Details / Layout tab / Attribute / Colums Count For Attributes.

          However I was just looking at someone elses Snapshot and some tabs were missing. I hope you've not got that problem.
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            I think ive located that now thank you, can i do the same for components?
            Very much a beginner


              Originally posted by leemills
              I think ive located that now thank you, can i do the same for components?
              not as easily, I don't think.

              I think (although I can't completely remember!) that I had to create a new layout for 2 components side by side

              But I'm happy to be proved wrong!


                My company supplies clothing and then we can embroider your initials onto them. You can have a maximum of 3 initials. So I have created three components for the first initial, the second and the third. Then there is an attribute attached to each so that you can choose the letter you would like. I have done this because it is more expensive for more letters. This has created a longer product section than is desirable, so it would look better with the components side by side.

                Or is there an easier way I could do it perhaps?
                Very much a beginner


                  Why not keep it simple and use the prompt box and let them type the 3 letters they want? Your way is more work for both you and your visitor surely for no reason from what i can see?


                    aaahhh of course, I do get frustrated adding 26 choices all the time

                    Anybody got any thoughts about the component layout?
                    Very much a beginner


                      Thats my point Lee, you don't need to adjust it as you don't use it, just use the prompt box.


                        that won't help with charging extra for more letters though, will it?

                        Unless you offer a single "choice" as well for the number of initials (with different charges set up)


                          How many letters do you want (component) and what are they (prompt box) would be my standard way, although a script counting the letters in the prompt box and adjusting dynamically would be the real winner.


                            Trouble is for each initial its likely to be a different letter.

                            This is my first go at actinic, been really thrown in at the deep end
                            Very much a beginner


                              Originally posted by leehack
                              although a script counting the letters in the prompt box and adjusting dynamically would be the real winner.
                              i can only dream of knowing how to do that

                              although i would imagine it would be a nightmare rather than a dream
                              Very much a beginner

