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Your shopping cart has expired with Protx

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    Your shopping cart has expired with Protx

    Has anyone managed to resolve this issue?

    A General Script Error Occurred
    Error: Your shopping cart has expired, orders must be completed within 3 hours or they will be automatically cancelled.
    Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner

    I get this when processing a card with protx it still charges the card and the order comes through.
    I have looked through the forums on this and it doesnt apear with any solutions to fix, can anyone help?

    another thing is that, when we get the reciept through from protx, the "You Have Bought: Items from..." section is empty but the correct price above it is empty, again could not find and solutions through actinic or protx forums.


      Does it happen with EVERY transaction?
      There are some solutions in the forums already if you try a search for expired cart or similar.

      If it's not happening all the time, then IMO there is no real solution yet.
      It happens more often than it should and I'm not sure why.
      I get a number of customers reporting it or placing duplicate orders (and payments) because they think it's not gone through.
      I've even added an "ignore this message" message (LOL) but some customer still don't!!
      Problem is, a number probably do see and ignore it and then I don't get to hear about it!

      As for a solution. I've never come across one that works yet and I've tried all the forum suggestions. The problem is that it's hit and miss and not easy to re-create so tricky to test.


        Jeez this is pretty bad, I take it this is a Protx thing and nothing to do with Actinic itself.


          oh yeah this does happen with every transaction. this is really weird.


            I'm not sure, Ryan

            Maybe a server/browser problem or combination of...which is what makes it difficult to test/recreate

            I've had several goes at trying to eliminate it but I still get occurrances of it, intermittently.

            If it's happening very regularly (and happening to you too, so you can see it) yu could try a complete web purge and refresh (Help> Troubleshooting) but, IME, it's something of a short term fix.


              Ok I got some news, Protx have said that its possible there may be a fix for the descriptions within the next week or 2 but its not 100%. Also I have Figured out why I had the general script error. I use demon as hosting and I had the wrong address in the CGI Bin area. DOH Silly me!!

              If anyone else still has that problem check your CGI bin address.
              The domain name part has to be the same as the catalog URL domain name. then "/CGI-BIN" afterwards or where you have your CGI-BIN placed. I hope this may help anyone.


                so let me explain a bit more on this problem,

                if you go to Web, then Network Setup, make sure "Catalog URL:" and "CGI-BIN URL:" is the same. for example I had:
                Catalog URL:
                CGI-BIN URL:
                this is wrong, they are both related address but you have to make sure it says:
                Catalog URL:
                CGI-BIN URL:


                Catalog URL:
                CGI-BIN URL:


                  use these paths....

