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Landing pages, deep linking, advice please

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    Landing pages, deep linking, advice please

    Hi we have a dilema. We have noticed with our kids bedlinen site that on generic key words (girls bedding say) that landing the customer onto our home page worked better than deep linking them to the girls bed linen section. We think this is because our home page looks more professional than the section page when you are visiting us for the first time. Moving to a section has less impact? ( www )

    We have just revamped the home page for our other site ( which makes it easier (we think!) for customers to access our products. We would normally drop our ppc terms to

    but are thinking that conversion may improve if we moved to the home page for the same reasons as above?

    The view (when we worked in the big world and were sent on training courses!) was always deep link as far as you can (and for specific terms e.g. Union jack Bunting we go straight to the product). But does anyone have a view on the links above. I know we can test it and be sure but I wondered what your views would be working in the field.

    I kinda think that where we can deep link to the product it is obvious that this is preferable but when you are taking people to a section that doesn't look as proffessional as a home page and therefore doesn't set people off on the right foot?

    Anyway this is a bit of a ramble and so I apologise but if anyone can understand the point and question I would really value your views.



    Chief bunting supplier to Take That!

    I think landing people on a generic page i.e. the home page when they have searched for a specific term is pure madness. Using that ideal, why not have everything all on one page and direct the right part of the page. Websites are about getting people to what they want in as quicker time as possible, showing them your products and then securing a sale. I would never introduce anything that slowed that process down.

    If you think your home page looks more professional than the section page, i disagree personally, i would prefer to see your home page more like your section page, however design is subjective and there is nothing definitive in this area. I think i understand what you mean when you say 'it looks more professional', it has images is what you mean, so how about a nice classy image on each section, maybe even a revolving image with links through to sections. You could have something like on this site where the image changes and adds some impact.

    For me personally, get them to what they searched for as quick as possible, if they want to look round, they will, you certainly won't be able to control that area a great deal. If the section they hit looks great, chances are they will want to explore more of their own accord anyway IMO.


      but are thinking that conversion may improve if we moved to the home page for the same reasons as above
      use the multiple ad facility in Adwords to test two versions of the ad with different landing pages - after a few weeks you will know the answer!


        Thanks guys.

        Lee I suppose for me the landing page make us look at little 'amateur' in that the design is basic off the shelf actinic. Doing much more to the layout etc will require me to learn quite a lot! I like the revolving banner idea on the landing pages and will look into it a bit more. For specific search we will def. deep link but for the more generic ones e.g. bunting I was wondering whether the home page give more of a feel good factor. As malcolm says the only real way to know is to test - although I'm not sure how I see the results for testing in analytics with the new dashboards but i'll investigate!

        thanks again D

        Chief bunting supplier to Take That!


          how I see the results for testing in analytics
          You dont - you will see it in conversion tracking in Adwords (assuming you have enabled it)


            if i click on a AdWord I want to be taken the the page where i can buy, i get very annoyed if i land on a generic pages as i then have to search the site to find the product i wanted.

            My suggested solution is to beef up your section pages to look equally as professional as the home page

